57 MIN

Son[i]a #247
María Salgado


‘Language is the cheapest technology.’ Under this premise, the poet María Salgado delves into the abundance of meanings that are produced in the interaction between audio, graphics, and gesture when you operate below the radar of the demands of words and discourse. In her hybrid, syncretic practice, words and sentences are the material and the practice of ‘lenguagjeo’ (‘languaging’), that is, the ‘liveliness or movement by which languages take on diverse, defiant forms, different or lovely on the tongue, the eye, the ear and the memory of those who emit them and also those who receive them each time.’ You can see, feel, and hear this in the four books of poetry she has published to date, her blog, her sound project with Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca, her research with Seminario Euraca (and adjoining) and… on stage.

Here and now we embark on a three-way dialogue in person, on skype and via email between María, Lucrecia Dalt and Anna Ramos, Madrid, Berlín, Barcelona, with the aim of turning a long, informal, relaxed dialogue on her practice and vocabulary into material that has been reconsidered, repunctuated, underlined, and annotated, with quotes, excerpts of her essays on poetry, and other signs… And a poem.

SON[I]A writes with María Salgado about low-tech poetry, syncretism, spoken text, writing and orality, busy channels, the powers of the prefix ‘an’, drugs, and the productive tension between expressions used on the streets and those stored in books.

Son[i]a Creative Commons IDIORHYTHMIAS Lucrecia Dalt María Salgado orality Our most listened podcasts ever poetry writing
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