Our most listened podcasts ever
We shared some mates with val flores as we chatted about queer pedagogy, writing, and microactivism. We touched on teaching practice as political practice, on queer dissidence as a means to activate deheterosexualisng know-how, and on the need to inhabit and write our identities in new ways that break down gender, race, and class boundaries.
Kenneth Goldsmith talks about Modernism and the digital, challenging and unchallenging literature, appropriation literary communism and what he calls his “third act”.
André Lepecki talks about the chronopolitics of disappearance, dance, Louis XIV, the acquisition of choreography, testimonial power, object-oriented ontologies, choreopolicing, the writing of movement, and selfies.
María Salgado talks about low-tech poetry, syncretism, spoken text, writing and orality, busy channels, the powers of the prefix 'an', drugs, and the productive tension between expressions used on the streets and those stored in books.
Matthew Fuller talks about sleep, procedural imperialism, big data, post-humanity, and what he calls “denial of service attacks on people’s brains”.