• 00:01 The Tojolabal people and us-centred languages
  • 03:00 The path walks you
  • 06:04 Rethinking Einfühlung (empathy): works that transform and privileges
  • 07:52 The case of Coatlicue: the seen and the unseen. Presence and transformative power
  • 13:38 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: the tricks of the weak
26/10/2021 16' 39''
Statue of Coatlicue displayed in National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City. Photo: Luidger

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with writer, researcher and curator Maite Garbayo-Maeztu that we were unable to include the first time around.

Conversation: Antonio Gagliano, Verónica Lahitte and Anna Ramos. Production: Antonio Gagliano. So: RWM sound library.
ExtraMaite Garbayo-MaeztuDeleted ScenesCreative Commonsfeminism

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