• 00:01 Writing
  • 04:20 Lo incalculable en el encuentro entre cuerpos
  • 09:55 La investigación atrapada
  • 13:29 Estallar el canon
  • 13:29 La cita como acto de amor
  • 29:56 Cuerpos que aparecen
  • 39:35 Estrategias estéticas: madres, abuelas, alineaciones
  • 47:51 El abandono
  • 54:47 Olga Pijoan - Activismo
  • 58:14 Aquello que no fue político
  • 61:28 Vulnerabilidad
  • 67:58 Maternar
  • 69:16 Geometría de la inclinación o la carga de la maternidad
20/05/2021 75' 49''
Young people painting silhouettes during "el Siluetazo" at the Obelisk, Buenos Aires, December 8, 1983. Archivo Hasenberg - Quaretti. Colección Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales. Archivo Fotográfico Memoria Abierta

Maite Garbayo-Maeztu’s work takes place between writing, research, and curating. She is a postdoctoral researcher at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and academic director of the MA in Artistic Practices and Cultural Studies: Body, Affects, Territory at the Public University of Navarra and the University of the Basque Country. Her main lines of research connect contemporary art, visual culture, gender studies and performance studies in Spain and Latin America.

Part of her work explores the various aesthetic strategies by which women dispute the occupation of space and rethink the ways in which they are seen: forms of collaboration expressed through activism and art that seek to, among other things, “twist the tongue”, exploring a never-resolved perplexity between appearance and disappearance.

In this podcast, Maite Garbayo-Maeztu talks about writing, motherhood and low-intensity abandonment. She examines the aesthetic materiality of bodies and brings up quotations as gestures by which one becomes intertwined with those who came before, like acts of loving alignment. The ideas that emerge from the conversation include the notion of incalculability—the new that emerges between corporalities, like a gift for those whose practice allows for unexpected, totally unplanned, ways of politically enlivening the things around them.   

Conversation: Antonio Gagliano, Verónica Lahitte and Anna Ramos. Script and sound production: Antonio Gagliano. Sonido: RWM sound library.
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