
252 podcasts
24 MIN
Son[i]a #353.Teresa Lanceta
Deleted scenes
We dig up some unreleased fragments from our conversation with the artist, art historian, researcher, and educator Teresa Lanceta. We delve into her research on Las cigarreras, which documents and focuses on the forms of organization, solidarity, and care among the women workers in the tobacco industry in Spain in the early 20th century. We also share her relationship with the collector Bert Flint, the (for her) impossible bridge to pre-Columbian textiles, and her way of understanding and carrying out co-authorships.
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Extra Creative Commons Deleted Scenes female workers Teresa Lanceta weavers weawing
13 MIN
SON[I]A #395. Imani Mason Jordan. Deleted scenes
We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with interdisciplinary writer, artist, editor, curator, and plant lover Imani Mason Jordan. We discuss Audre Lorde’s call to action in “Your Silence Will Not Protect You,” exploring Imani’s interpretation of it. Additionally, we talk about tuning in—rather than out—as a strategy to find rest and respite, to nourish ourselves and recharge through simple things. Finally, we delve into Imani’s collaborative practices.
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Extra Audre Lorde black queer Creative Commons Deleted Scenes DIWO Imani Mason Jordan meditation
37 MIN
Son[i]a #397. Open-weather
Deleted scenes
We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Open-weather’s researcher-designer Sophie Dyer and creative geographer Sasha Engelmann, which we couldn’t include the first time around. They share their “origin story” while demonstrating “live” their collaborative dynamic. The poetics and materiality of radio, in its capacity to sense and to resonate at a distance, emerge as a tool for insightful alliances, as well as speculative and radical experiments, from the Feminist Antifascist Weather Front to radio mirrors.
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Extra collective creation Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Open-weather radio Re-Imagine Europe Sasha Engelmann satellite Sonic Acts Sophie Dyer
27 MIN
SON[I]A #398
Yaiza Hernández. Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with researcher and transdisciplinary curator Yaiza Hernández. We unpack the relationship between militarism and tourism by looking at zonified border territories that also model touristification. Through this lens, we also see that the tourist resort replicates the architectural layout of the colony, offering safe spaces for privilege, wealth, and whiteness. Then, we take a look at the current form of the museum model, warning of certain symptoms suggesting it is reaching a terminal stage. We wrap up with a digression into Yaiza’s understanding of cultural appropriation.

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Extra Climate change coloniality Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Re-Imagine Europe social justice terminal tourism touristification Yaiza Hernández
12 MIN
Son[i]a #385. Gabriel Chaile
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Tucuman artist Gabriel Chaile, which we couldn’t include the first time around. We talk about his education through a mix of public school, recounted memories, and observing family handicrafts. Once again, we defend slowness as a way of being and living in the world, and we join Nestor García Canclini in wondering how to think about the coexistence of elements or groups that consider themselves different, in our turbulent times.

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Extra anti-racism barro Creative Commons Deleted Scenes DIWO Escenas eliminadas Gabriel Chaile mud Re-Imagine Europe
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about Extra
Extra is our catch-all section for unused recorded material that does not fit the narrative of our already generous podcasts, as well as miscellaneous processes and happy accidents. It is the space for all those “What if…?”, “Why not…?” and other excesses that occur when working with artists and disregarding the clock, from time to time.
Son[i]a #384
Podcast Title
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Son[i]a #384