Son[i]a #385. Gabriel Chaile
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Gabriel Chaile
We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Tucuman artist Gabriel Chaile, which we couldn’t include the first time around. We talk about his education through a mix of public school, recounted memories, and observing family handicrafts. Once again, we defend slowness as a way of being and living in the world, and we join Nestor García Canclini in wondering how to think about the coexistence of elements or groups that consider themselves different, in our turbulent times.
This podcast is part of New Perspectives for Action. A project by Re-Imagine Europe, co-funded by the European Union. Co-produced by Sonic Acts and Paradiso. In collaboration with The Green Parrot
Conversation: Javiera Cadiz, Txe Roimeser and Anna Ramos. Sound production: Anna Ramos. Image: Gabriel Chaile, "Aguas calientes", 2019
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