102 MIN

Son[i]a #357
Andrea Francke

Son[i]a #357

Andrea Francke’s life story was marked by many places, until she settled in London. Born in Peru to a Mexican mother and raised in Brazil, by the time she graduated in London she was already a mother herself. This situated experience led her to team up with her colleague Kim Dhillon to launch “Invisible Spaces of Parenthood”: a research project and exhibition space, which they temporarily converted into a functional nursery for fellow university students and academics. The project looks to the sixties and seventies to explore conversations, debates, and radical feminist practices around parenting, in order to update and implement them today, when child-rearing support and initiatives are being dismantled.

“Invisible Spaces of Parenthood” is like a microcosm of the interstitial spaces in which Andrea Francke’s artistic practice unfolds. Her work involves writing, teaching, and social practices, and she is interested in generating opportunities for horizontal exchange and learning among artists, activists, and other groups: almost-utopian horizons that redefine the outmoded category of “art” in search of experimentation and a genuine desire to transform reality.

In this podcast, we talk to Andrea Francke about her interest in participatory projects and infrastructures, in a conversation that touches on inclusion, hospitality, and the repercussions of the colonial project. Andrea unpacks the idea of failure as she reflects on the challenges involved in designing institutional legal networks and frameworks. We also talk about imported categories of art, about invisible labour, and about the idea of charity as a slippery slope.

Conversation: Verónica Lahitte, Antonio Gagliano and Anna Ramos. Script: Verónica Lahitte. Voice: Roc Jiménez de Cisneros. Músic: Albert Tarrat's library, recorded at INA GRM.
Son[i]a Andrea Francke collective creation Creative Commons DIWO Eva Rowson hospitality infrastructure participatory practices pedagogy
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