radical pedagogy

16 podcasts
69 MIN
Son[i]a #388
Macarena García

In this podcast, we talk to Chilean writer, editor and academic Macarena García about her working methods with children in schools and other shared educational spaces. We talk about challenging picture-books, about fascination and overflow as tools for collective transformation, and about what happens to bodies when they are together. We also explore the workings of censorship and how children’s literature approaches subjects such as death, sex, racism, dictatorship, feminism, gender identity and the climate crisis.   

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Son[i]a #8M artist books Creative Commons Macarena García picturebook publication radical pedagogy
65 MIN
Son[i]a #365
Dani Admiss

Dani Admiss is an independent curator, researcher and educator who spent part of her childhood in Dubai before emigrating to the UK and settling in Edinburgh. Her projects are situated at the intersection of art, design, technology and cultural practice and—in a constant search for a sense of belonging—explore infrastructures and relationality. "Sunlight Doesn’t Need a Pipeline" emerged in response to the simple and complex question: “How can I be useful?” The answer—by creating a decarbonisation plan for the gallery—gradually took the form of a conversation of many voices, involving various communities in an exercise in social justice and collective learning to rethink the processes of the art world in times of climate emergency.

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67 MIN
Son[i]a #357. Andrea Francke
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with artist Andrea Francke. We take Andrea’s life experience as a springboard to talk about diversity and difference, while problematising soft, hard, and universalising theories. We also consider possible spaces for learning based on curiosity, care, and vulnerability. Changing the subject, we naturally took the opportunity to delve into The Piracy Project, in collaboration with Eva Weinmayr—and while we were at it, to defend copying and appropriationism as a political and creative space.

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Extra Andrea Francke Creative Commons decolonialism infrastructure radical pedagogy
82 MIN
Son[i]a #356
Eva Rowson

Curator, artist and cultural producer Eva Rowson talks about her early contact with hospitality, collective learning experiences such as Open School East, the value of uncharismatic work, throwing parties with Andrea Francke, life lessons of a croissant, and how the best theory comes from practice.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons DIWO Eva Rowson hospitality infrastructure radical pedagogy
90 MIN
Son[i]a #354
Daniel Gasol

Cultural worker, researched and artist Daniel Gasol describes himself as a “faggot child of the proletariat and cultural worker,” not (just) to provoke a response, but as a carefully calibrated strategy, fully aware that it immediately highlights the class privilege that informs any contemporary artistic practice and possibility of being. In this podcast, makes an against-the-grain reading of Spain’s Vagrancy Law (1933-1970) and Law of Social Danger (1970-1995) through the prism of class, in which he reviews literature and criminal records  from the National Archive of Catalonia in order to show the criminalisation of the underprivileged classes and of the proletarian body.

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Son[i]a #poeticintention Creative Commons Daniel Gasol queer radical pedagogy
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384