• 00:01 Tu voz no es tuya: voces prestadas, voces adquiridas
  • 03:37 Voder
  • 10:42 Helen Harper, las telefonistas y el drag vocal
  • 13:02 Coreografías de cuerpos disciplinados para producir voces "sin cuerpo"
  • 14:43 Lo sordo atravesando la historia de las tecnologías sonoras
  • 23:55 Voz y voto
  • 28:37 Voz sorda II: Chistes en lengua de señas o signos
  • 32:05 Compartir la práctica, citarse, desbordar la presencialidad 
  • 35:31 El micrófono humano o pasar un archivo por la voz
  • 44:28 Hacerse eco de quienes deconstruyen la voz: Oriol Roqueta
  • 46:26 Tu padre está hablando con la voz de mi padre
  • 54:42 Harvard Sentences y la escritura para voces sintéticas
  • 59:40 Cuerpo vocálico: un autómata en cada voz sintética
  • 63:22 Los Tone Tests
  • 69:18 Cerrando la historia de las técnicas de síntesis vocal 
15/03/2021 77' 48''
Jaume Ferrete en "Cabaret", 2018.

In a body of work that encompasses the creation of texts, recordings, performances, concerts, websites, listening sessions, educational workshops, and archives of conversations, Jaume Ferrete (b. Mollet del Vallés, 1980) explores everything that affects and influences the ideologies of the voice. His projects openly refrain from naturalising identity and address vocal production as a complex social phenomenon, shaped by the surrounding echoes and reverberations. The lines that appear in his work include cross-dressing on stage, shifting the parameters of speech intelligibility, probing the community aspects of sign language, and testing how synthetic voices rarefy the presence of the body in performance practice. Ferrete maintains that there are many potential vocalic bodies in all voices: bodies ready to appear. Technologically reproduced voices—because they are not strictly human—open up a profusion of strange bodies, which do not sound like us, and which are always difficult to imagine.   

In this podcast, Jaume Ferrete talks about Helen Harper, about the bodily discipline of telephone operators, and about the Voder as a clear example of drag. He cites deafness as a crucial phenomenon fuelling the history of sound technologies and connects some key moments—from the Voder to WaveNet—in the development of voice synthesis technologies. Our conversation also touches on ventriloquism, human microphones, and how the gramophone emerged to reflect something that is ours back to us as something alien, turning the technological echo of our voices into potential opportunity.

Conversation: Antonio Gagliano and Anna Ramos. Script and sound production: Antonio Gagliano. Sound: Jaume Ferrete.
Son[i]avoicevoice synthesisJaume Ferreteperformance

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