Re-Imagine Europe

84 podcasts
96 MIN
Son[i]a #416
Maya Al Khaldi and Sarouna
In this podcast, singer and composer Maya Al-Khaldi and Qanun player, DJ and producer Sarouna talk about the Palestinian music scenes and about their own musical approaches and artistic practices. They question the electronic music genre from a decolonial point of view and talk about the issues around fusion and the exoticization of cultural expression. Folklore emerges as a complex and often disputed concept. The conversation touches on the tensions between the archive and lived experience, the challenges of non-existent or inaccessible archives, and the importance of preserving cultural heritage. They also reflect on the crucial need for collective mourning as Palestinians and talk about the weight of imposed guilt, and about resilience. Sarouna’s thoughtfully captured field recordings of everyday moments in Palestine are woven through the podcast.
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Son[i]a Creative Commons decolonialism female producers feminism folklore Gaza Maya Al Khaldi Palestine Re-Imagine Europe Sarouna solidarity
105 MIN
SON[I]A #409
Imani Jacqueline Brown
In this podcast, Imani Jacqueline Brown tells us about her formative experience as an activist in New Orleans and in the crucible of Zuccotti Park during the Occupy Wall Street movement. We also talk about eugenics and about how Carl Linnaeus’s philosophy during the Enlightement divided existence into parcels of private property, about oil infrastructure networks and environmental racism in Death Alley, and about apocalypse as repeated events. Along the way, Imani imagines paths to ecological reparation, ways to steward and attend to the world. She finds that it is precisely the uncultivated land at the back of the plantation that is rich with life and possibility: the seed banks of new growth.
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37 MIN
Son[i]a #397. Open-weather
Deleted scenes
We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Open-weather’s researcher-designer Sophie Dyer and creative geographer Sasha Engelmann, which we couldn’t include the first time around. They share their “origin story” while demonstrating “live” their collaborative dynamic. The poetics and materiality of radio, in its capacity to sense and to resonate at a distance, emerge as a tool for insightful alliances, as well as speculative and radical experiments, from the Feminist Antifascist Weather Front to radio mirrors.
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Extra collective creation Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Open-weather radio Re-Imagine Europe Sasha Engelmann satellite Sonic Acts Sophie Dyer
102 MIN
SON[I]A #406
Liisa-Rávná Finbog

In this podcast, we talk with indigenous Sámi researcher, writer, curator and artist Liisa-Rávná Finbog about napkins, museums, collections, and colonialism, to challenge hierarchies, cultural extractivism, and the hidden violence in any process of cultural assimilation. We also highlight the causal relationship between art and coloniality, questioning the separation between function and aesthetics. Duodji thus emerges as an ancestral practice and knowledge system — that dismantles and emancipates itself from the Western construct of craft, while invoking a dialogical relationship with materiality. We open a portal to understand and share the ways of thinking, being, and existing in interdependence, of the Sámi people.

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27 MIN
SON[I]A #398
Yaiza Hernández. Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with researcher and transdisciplinary curator Yaiza Hernández. We unpack the relationship between militarism and tourism by looking at zonified border territories that also model touristification. Through this lens, we also see that the tourist resort replicates the architectural layout of the colony, offering safe spaces for privilege, wealth, and whiteness. Then, we take a look at the current form of the museum model, warning of certain symptoms suggesting it is reaching a terminal stage. We wrap up with a digression into Yaiza’s understanding of cultural appropriation.

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Extra Climate change coloniality Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Re-Imagine Europe social justice terminal tourism touristification Yaiza Hernández
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384