
8 podcasts
78 MIN
Son[i]a #418
Samia Henni
In this podcast, writer, historian, educator, and curator Samia Henni offers insights into her wide-ranging curatorial and research projects, which delve into key topics such as the role of archives in reconstructing histories, the desert as a colonial construct, and the ongoing impact of colonial toxicity on landscapes and communities. We talk about nuclear tests in Algeria, about contradictions, war propaganda and traumatic exhibitions, and about the absences in colonial archives. 
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Son[i]a archives classified documents coloniality Creative Commons desert evidence nuclear waste radioactive Samia Henni toxicity
87 MIN
Son[i]a #417
Rember Yahuarcani López
In this podcast we talk to Rember Yahuarcani López about what “contemporary indigenous art” means to him, and about his own path to finding his place in the market. From this position, he can speak of himself in the first person, expand the notion of contemporaneity, and preserve and translate the Uitoto worldview and the oral traditions he has inherited, in an attempt to leave the imprint of the ancestral memory of a community in danger of extinction. And in this sense painting—like myths—emerges as a magical activity. 
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Son[i]a coloniality Creative Commons indigenous contemporary art indigenous movements Rember Yahuarcani López
77 MIN
SON[I]A #408
Seba Calfuqueo
In this podcast, Seba Calfuqueo dismantles heroes, monuments and categories, while reclaiming gaps, taboos and the elements as spaces of complexity from which to strike up conversation. They also talk about owning where you come from and the position from which you speak. And they argue for the collective occupation of spaces that have historically been denied to the Mapuche people. For Seba, being Mapuche means having a connection with the land, and in this conversation they present a way of understanding of life in which queerness is the very essence of nature.
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Son[i]a collective creation coloniality Creative Commons indigenous movements land struggles more-than-human Non-human agency queer Seba Calfuqueo trans
102 MIN
SON[I]A #406
Liisa-Rávná Finbog

In this podcast, we talk with indigenous Sámi researcher, writer, curator and artist Liisa-Rávná Finbog about napkins, museums, collections, and colonialism, to challenge hierarchies, cultural extractivism, and the hidden violence in any process of cultural assimilation. We also highlight the causal relationship between art and coloniality, questioning the separation between function and aesthetics. Duodji thus emerges as an ancestral practice and knowledge system — that dismantles and emancipates itself from the Western construct of craft, while invoking a dialogical relationship with materiality. We open a portal to understand and share the ways of thinking, being, and existing in interdependence, of the Sámi people.

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119 MIN
SON[I]A #405
Lara and Stephen Sheehi

In this podcast, Lebanese writers, researchers and activists Lara and Stephen Sheehi walk us through the day-to-day reality of psychoanalysis under occupation, Zionist psy-ops and (anti)oppressive praxis. They talk about psychological warfare and about Sumud—or the reverie of resistance—, and discuss the worldliness of our subjectivities in a world that is not the same for everyone.

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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384