
406 podcasts
78 MIN
Son[i]a #369
Sethembile Msezane

Working from the foundations of historical narrative and its constructs, African knowledge systems, and a contemporary take on colonial wounds, South African artist Sethembile Msezane has an interdisciplinary practice that goes beyond critique.  In this podcast, Sethembile talks about her rejection of modern throwaway culture, convinced that the history and experiences of ancestors contain clues and know-how that allow us to imagine different futures. She believes that good omens must enter through spirituality and dialogue with ancestors. Art is simply a tool. 

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Son[i]a ancestry Creative Commons monuments non-human spirituality water
67 MIN
Son[i]a #368
Anthea Caddy

Anthea Caddy is a Tasmanian-born and now Berlin-based experimental cellist and sound artist who explores projected sound energy through spatial practices that highlight acoustic and physical phenomena. In this podcast, Anthea walks us through her journey from playing cello in rock bands as a teenager to her ongoing research into projected sound energy. She explains her long-term research on directional speakers and the results of the iterations and testing of the parabolic speakers. She also talks about documentation and about the difficulties of approaching large-scale sound performance.

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Son[i]a Anthea Caddy female producers Sonic Acts sound + technology
69 MIN
Son[i]a #367
Marc Larré

Marc Larré works with video, photography, sculpture and objects, giving free rein to a dilettante practice that entails attentive listening to the materials he handles, and also to the context—to his surroundings. In his thinking-by-doing, Marc generates countless unexpected connections between temporary situations, objects, and people, in order to question notions of progress and modernity. In this podcast, we talk to Marc Larré about megaliths, stones, and anti-monuments. As we listen, artisanal practices, traces, frictions, clay, and plaster make an appearance. We talk about the experiential dimension of his practice and about the connections and synergies with the art community in Barcelona. And naturally, we also talk about art, about precarity, and about the need to rethink our working conditions, together.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons DIWO education Marc Larré monuments mud working conditions writing
112 MIN
Son[i]a #366
Antye Greie (AGF)

Antye Greie (aka AGF or poemproducer) is a poet, activist, sound artist, sound sculptor, and curator, born in East Germany and based on the island of Hailuoto in northern Finland for over fifteen years. In this podcast, we talk to Antye Greie about language, sound, and the body. At their intersection, the voice emerges, with its multiple resonances and different ways of introducing the voice of others through her own practice and space of visibility. Along the way, we look at her work and methodology, from the deconstruction of texts to the implementation of what she calls “feminist sonic technologies”.

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Son[i]a AGF Eastern Europe female producers feminism Re-Imagine Europe sound voice
65 MIN
Son[i]a #365
Dani Admiss

Dani Admiss is an independent curator, researcher and educator who spent part of her childhood in Dubai before emigrating to the UK and settling in Edinburgh. Her projects are situated at the intersection of art, design, technology and cultural practice and—in a constant search for a sense of belonging—explore infrastructures and relationality. "Sunlight Doesn’t Need a Pipeline" emerged in response to the simple and complex question: “How can I be useful?” The answer—by creating a decarbonisation plan for the gallery—gradually took the form of a conversation of many voices, involving various communities in an exercise in social justice and collective learning to rethink the processes of the art world in times of climate emergency.

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about Son[i]a
Son[i]a functions as a mirror and a sounding board for MACBA itself. Harnessing the synergies arising from the presence of the many voices, activities, and sounds that circulate in the museum, Son[i]a presents in-depth interviews with artists, curators, critics, activists, and thinkers, on a range of topics ranging from art to philosophy, by way of politics, activism, artistic research, music, and film, and everything in between. Son[i]a was the first RWM programme, launched on 2 May 2006.
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384