
406 podcasts
90 MIN
Son[i]a #354
Daniel Gasol

Cultural worker, researched and artist Daniel Gasol describes himself as a “faggot child of the proletariat and cultural worker,” not (just) to provoke a response, but as a carefully calibrated strategy, fully aware that it immediately highlights the class privilege that informs any contemporary artistic practice and possibility of being. In this podcast, makes an against-the-grain reading of Spain’s Vagrancy Law (1933-1970) and Law of Social Danger (1970-1995) through the prism of class, in which he reviews literature and criminal records  from the National Archive of Catalonia in order to show the criminalisation of the underprivileged classes and of the proletarian body.

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Son[i]a #poeticintention Creative Commons Daniel Gasol queer radical pedagogy
58 MIN
Son[i]a #353
Teresa Lanceta

Teresa Lanceta is an artist, art historian, researcher, and teacher. In this conversation, the sense of touch reclaims space from the gaze. At the same time, we recover the wisdom of weaving in terms of community, as an open source code for those who know and perform it. And through this repetitive, necessary gesture, technique becomes form, and form becomes language. Thus the margins disappear and give way to rhombuses, torn bits, darning, mending... depending on what’s going on at that moment in time.

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Son[i]a Teresa Lanceta weavers
105 MIN
Son[i]a #352
Flavia Dzodan

We talk to Argentinian writer and researcher Flavia Dzodan about fashion, opulence, peripheries, phrenology, taxonomies, canons of beauty, luxury fakes, and migrant detention centres. An intense journey that touches on her personal history and includes references to other writers, notes on her methodology, and a few potshots at centres of power.

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Son[i]a algorithm anti-racism Creative Commons decolonialism Phonos (UPF/Barcelona) Sonic Acts writing
78 MIN
Son[i]a #351
Marina Garcés

We talk with philosopher, writer, and teacher Marina Garcés about education and knowledge, about the future, and about time as raw material. We consider the question of how to appear and think with others in this present moment, which demands our active involvement. We discuss the meeting of unequals, and the possibility of strangeness becoming a link. We also explore the logic of the sinking ship or “every man for himself” and the evolution of the words “disobedience” and “freedom”, which leads Marina to emphasise the importance of forming alliances rather than thinking from the reductionist position of unity. At the same time, she invites us to imagine how to weave together worlds that are falling apart.

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Son[i]a + listened 1st semester 2022 Creative Commons education Marina Garcés pedagogy radical pedagogy
114 MIN
Son[i]a #350
Jara Rocha

Researcher and activist Jara Rocha’s practice is concerned with mediating and mobilising the conditions of meaning production and materials for possibility. Fond of complexity and grounded in a trans*feminist sensibility, they explore the inequalities and stark contrasts in the distribution of the technological. They draw attention to the politics and aesthetics embedded in infrastructures and to how power organises itself, becoming simultaneously visible and inaccessible. A pure exercise in political imagination and situated dissidence that takes us from reproductive technologies to critical pedagogies in formal, non-formal, and informal structures, by way of technocolonialism and turbocapitalism. Without ever taking our eye off the global perspective and our immediate environment: from global care chains to the precarisation, invisibilisation, and offshoring of labour.

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about Son[i]a
Son[i]a functions as a mirror and a sounding board for MACBA itself. Harnessing the synergies arising from the presence of the many voices, activities, and sounds that circulate in the museum, Son[i]a presents in-depth interviews with artists, curators, critics, activists, and thinkers, on a range of topics ranging from art to philosophy, by way of politics, activism, artistic research, music, and film, and everything in between. Son[i]a was the first RWM programme, launched on 2 May 2006.
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384