• 00:01 Mezclar formas de mirar para entender cómo la cultura y la sociedad se coproducen
  • 05:52 Llegamos tarde a la tradición del libro-álbum. Breve genealogía
  • 10:26 Estrategias y potencialidades del libro-álbum: libros desafiantes y la figura de la elipsis
01/03/2024 11' 46''
Heinrich Hoffmann, "Der Struwwelpeter" (en español, Pedro Melenas) de 1928

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Chilean writer, editor and academic Macarena García, which we couldn’t include the first time around. Macarena talks about her interest in observing and analysing how processes and consensuses in culture, society, ethics and politics are put to the test in the field of childhood studies. She focuses on artistic expressions such as the case study of children’s literature, and more specifically scrapbooks. We also chart a brief genealogy of picture books and the many narrative strategies that issue from it: from challenging books to non-educational relations between text and image, and the figure of the ellipsis.

Conversation: Loli Acebal and Anna Ramos. Script: Loli Acebal. Sound production: Anna Ramos.

Image: Heinrich Hoffmann, "Der Struwwelpeter", 1928

ExtraMacarena GarcíapicturebookCreative Commons

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