23 podcasts
59 MIN
Son[i]a #362
Nicole L'Huillier

Chilean artist Nicole L'Huillier formulates an antidisciplinary practice that takes up a position on boundaries, generating a liminal and sensorial space in which categories such as architecture, science, music and sound tend to break down and intertwine. Thinking with “surlogics”—the logic of her native south— Nicole defends the need to use multiple kinds of thinking at the same time, and embraces mestizaje, as a way of being and existing that is rich and full of complexity and contradictions.  In this podcast, we open up Nicole L'Huillier’s processes, methodologies, and rituals, in conversation with old friends—Gloria Anzaldúa, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Gabriela Mistral, AM Kanngiesser—and strangers. Their membrane-words caress and jolt us. Sounds, vibrations, resonance, structures, and other multiple sensorial transductions invite us to think up, amidst murmuring, other collective ways of being and incarnations.

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Son[i]a DIWO Nicole L'Huillier Sonic Acts sound + technology unlearning
102 MIN
Son[i]a #357
Andrea Francke

Hablamos con la artista Andrea Francke sobre su interés en las infraestructuras y proyectos participativos. Inclusión, hospitalidad y los ecos del proyecto colonial aparecen en la conversación. Andrea va deshaciendo la idea de fracaso mientras reflexiona acerca de los desafíos que conlleva la elaboración de políticas y marcos legales institucionales. Hablamos también de categorías de arte importadas, de trabajos invisibles y de la idea de caridad como un callejón sin salida.

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Son[i]a Andrea Francke collective creation Creative Commons DIWO Eva Rowson hospitality infrastructure participatory practices pedagogy
82 MIN
Son[i]a #356
Eva Rowson

Curator, artist and cultural producer Eva Rowson talks about her early contact with hospitality, collective learning experiences such as Open School East, the value of uncharismatic work, throwing parties with Andrea Francke, life lessons of a croissant, and how the best theory comes from practice.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons DIWO Eva Rowson hospitality infrastructure radical pedagogy
Son[i]a #345. Clàudia Pagès
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with artist and writer Clàudia Pagès that we were unable to include the first time around. We talk about living and writing in different languages, about the fragile balance between precision and artefacts, about Spanglish, and about standing up for Spanishisms. We also look into shared readings as a strategy for thinking together.

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Extra Clàudia Pagès Creative Commons DIWO queer translation writing
114 MIN
Son[i]a #350
Jara Rocha

Researcher and activist Jara Rocha’s practice is concerned with mediating and mobilising the conditions of meaning production and materials for possibility. Fond of complexity and grounded in a trans*feminist sensibility, they explore the inequalities and stark contrasts in the distribution of the technological. They draw attention to the politics and aesthetics embedded in infrastructures and to how power organises itself, becoming simultaneously visible and inaccessible. A pure exercise in political imagination and situated dissidence that takes us from reproductive technologies to critical pedagogies in formal, non-formal, and informal structures, by way of technocolonialism and turbocapitalism. Without ever taking our eye off the global perspective and our immediate environment: from global care chains to the precarisation, invisibilisation, and offshoring of labour.

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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384