23 podcasts
51 MIN
Son[i]a #344
Femke Snelting

Possible Bodies questions and problematises the formulation, conception, and rendering of bodies across different 3D technologies such as modelling, tracking and scanning. Their affirmative critical research draws attention to the ways in which these techniques end up implementing and even amplifying a host of prejudices based on race, gender, class, age and ability which, far from being circumstantial, are woven into the actual source code of all sorts of applications. We talk to Femke Snelting about embodiments, optimisation, and 3D disasters, about the possible and the probable, parametric interfaces, and open standards, and about disobedient action research.

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Son[i]a algorithm body Creative Commons DIWO Femke Snelting Jara Rocha natureculture
50 MIN
SON[I]A #314. AM Kanngieser
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with political geographer and sound artist Anja Kanngieser that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra Climate change Creative Commons DIWO field recordings listening Re-Imagine Europe Sonic Acts
79 MIN
Son[i]a #314
AM Kanngieser

Political geographer and sound artist AM Kanngieser works in the coordinates between space and sound. This merging of disciplines that seems completely normal to her tends to be more perplexing to the compartmentalised world of science and academia than to the undisciplined field of artistic practice. In this podcast, we become the listeners as AM Kanngieser reflects on expanded listening, on the inaudible, and on our anthropocentrism. They talk about their long-standing interest in sound governance and dissect the many tensions that built up in the project “Climates of Listening”, which was originally based on the intention of amplifying campaigns for self-determination and self-representation in the Pacific.

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Son[i]a +listened-july-2020 +listened-june-2020 Climate change DIWO field recordings indigenous movements landscape reading listening orality radio
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384