Creative Commons

353 podcasts
62 MIN
Eugènia Balcells

Eugènia Balcells (Barcelona, 1943) began her artistic career in the mid-seventies within the conceptual art scene. A pioneer of experimental film, video art, and video installation, she also works with visual scores, artist’s books, objects, performance art, photocopies, sounds, and photographs. Balcells considers herself an interdisciplinary researcher interested in the possibilities of physics, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, sociology, music, and poetry. She brings these disciplines into the field of art, as an agora from which to reimagine and reinvent the world. In FONS AUDIO #54 we join Eugènia Balcells in looking back over a life dedicated to art, pausing to examine some of her works in the MACBA collection.

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Specials FONS ÀUDIO Creative Commons Eugènia Balcells feminism installation video art
86 MIN
Son[i]a #340
Andrea Soto Calderón

In this podcast, we talk to philosopher Andrea Soto Calderón about images and power, about the material imagination, desire, and oikonomia. Walking barefoot along this path, we come across minor architectures and silent revolutions. We also consider the possibility of a different geometry of politics, one that turns its back on basic categories of thought such as “fixing”, “establishing” and “substantiating” in favour of inexplicable notions that simultaneously are and are not. Taking this idea further, Andrea suggests replacing the idea of “strategy” and thinking instead about “ways of doing”.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons infrastructure philosophy political imagination
67 MIN
Son[i]a #357. Andrea Francke
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with artist Andrea Francke. We take Andrea’s life experience as a springboard to talk about diversity and difference, while problematising soft, hard, and universalising theories. We also consider possible spaces for learning based on curiosity, care, and vulnerability. Changing the subject, we naturally took the opportunity to delve into The Piracy Project, in collaboration with Eva Weinmayr—and while we were at it, to defend copying and appropriationism as a political and creative space.

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Extra Andrea Francke Creative Commons decolonialism infrastructure radical pedagogy
44 MIN
Son[i]a #359
Andrea Valdés

In this podcast we talk to with writer and researcher Andrea Valdés about pure writing, about heterodoxy, and about spatial optimism. We open up the metaphor of soft tools, and the semantic resonance of organs—be they tongues or genitals—trapped by the technological rudiments of machines. We discuss the use of tape recorders, orality and writing, and the research of Rivolta Femminile self-awareness groups, which tried to find a space for a different kind of speech in a private, female-only environment. The conversation was recorded at Hangar in 2020, during the height of the pandemic, as one of the first moves towards a line research that Andrea had continued to work on to this day.

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Son[i]a Andrea Valdés boredom Carla Lonzi Creative Commons feminism Hangar. Centre de producció i recerca artística Lee Lozano orality writing
48 MIN
Son[i]a #358
Grant Watson

We sat down with curator and researcher Grant Watson to talk about textiles and their material and social ramifications. Instead, we ended up talking about his interview-based practice, essentially producing an extremely meta interview on interviews and interviewing. In this podcast, Grant talks about enacting, editing, demographics, transference, capturing the atmosphere of an interview, and other issues that he explores in one of his main ongoing projects, How We Behave.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons Grant Watson orality queer
1 12 13 14 71
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384