
406 podcasts
125 MIN
Son[i]a #399
Ramón Grosfoguel

In this podcast, Puerto Rican sociologist and activist Ramón Grosfoguel guides us through centuries of obscurantism in Europe: from Christopher Columbus’s meeting with Queen Isabella in Granada on 11 January 1492 to the debate between Bartolomé de las Casas and Juan Ginés de Sepulveda that laid the groundwork for the biological and culturalist racism that persists to this day. In doing so, he dismantles the Doctrine of Discovery and the universalist and ahistorical assumptions of Eurocentrism and modernity that still abound in academia.

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87 MIN
Son[i]a #397

In this two-voice podcast, researcher-designer Sophie Dyer and creative geographer Sasha Engelmann weave speculative storytelling through glitchy weather satellite transmissions in a dialogue tinged with the feminist meta-practices that run deep beneath their collective operations. Together, they talk about NOAA satellites, about building alliances and about weather literacy, occasionally interviewing each other as friends and guiding us through the generous network of feminist thinkers that informs their practice.

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Son[i]a Climate change DIWO DIY feminism radio Re-Imagine Europe Sasha Engelmann satellite Sonic Acts Sophie Dyer weather
97 MIN
Son[i]a #398
Yaiza Hernández Velázquez
In this podcast, we sit down with transdisciplinary researcher and curator Yaiza Hernández to get to the heart of her deep-dive research into what she has coined Terminal Tourism. Drawing upon the long tradition of academic scholarship, but also from a situated perspective as a native from the Canary Islands, Yaiza unpacks the constellation of problems orbiting the travel industry, from environmental degradation to rampant gentrification and the subsequent disruption of local infrastructures, and a whole host of other socioeconomic inequalities.
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Son[i]a Canvi climàtic Climate change Creative Commons decolonialism extractivism infrastructure Re-Imagine Europe terminal tourism Yaiza Hernández
95 MIN
Son[i]a #394
Ona Bros

En aquest podcast, la imatge es converteix en un dispositiu des del qual es nuen relacions complexes, amb agència i multitud d'agents que les componen, que els donen i treuen sentit. L'artista visual i investigadora Ona Bros traça un recorregut gairebé cronològic de la seva trajectòria vital i, des del balboteig, la impropietat i la pregunta, sosté imaginaris i altres maneres d'estar i posar-se en relació. Acció directa, imatges que taquen, porno ètic, cossos gestants i comunitats de gel fan lloc a la sensació permanent de no pertànyer i la necessitat de sostenir de la vida.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons fotografia mothering pornografia queer
107 MIN
Son[i]a #396

In this podcast, we talk to Iranian artist pantea about studying in Edinburgh, about the peat bogs of Scotland and about the misconceptions surrounding wetlands. We discuss agency, more-than-human subjectivities and the (im)possibilities that open up when thinking-with sundew, and talk about her experience with the Khamoosh listening and archiving community.

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Son[i]a agency collective creation Creative Commons DIWO landscape reading listening non-human pantea Sonic Acts sound soundscape wetlands
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about Son[i]a
Son[i]a functions as a mirror and a sounding board for MACBA itself. Harnessing the synergies arising from the presence of the many voices, activities, and sounds that circulate in the museum, Son[i]a presents in-depth interviews with artists, curators, critics, activists, and thinkers, on a range of topics ranging from art to philosophy, by way of politics, activism, artistic research, music, and film, and everything in between. Son[i]a was the first RWM programme, launched on 2 May 2006.
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384