
406 podcasts
81 MIN
Son[i]a #374
Mapa Teatro

Mapa Teatro is a laboratory of social imagination founded by Heidi, Elizabeth and Rolf Abderhalden in Paris in 1984. In 1986 it moved to Bogotá, where it operates today. Since its earliest days, Mapa Teatro has worked in the field of live arts, with a commitment to collective practices and the creation of temporary experimental communities. Like good cannibals, its members work on transforming materials to create new universes that embrace testimonies and fiction, poetics and politics. In this podcast, we chat to Mapa Teatro about 40 years of practice and extended fraternity. We talk about living archives, happenings, witnesses, and fiction.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons Mapa Teatro orality performance theatre
90 MIN
Son[i]a #373
Juan Arturo García

In this podcast, we talk to the Mexican artist Juan Arturo García about language and plants—or about how taxonomy overwrote one tradition of thought and replaced it with another, by way of Latin. Which is, paradoxically, a dead imperial language. We take a close look at his practice, concentrating on the role of speculation, fiction, and the archive in the way his stories come together. We talk about the emergence of neutral Spanish, and Juan Arturo tells us about the first stages of a film that explores the strange arrival of a nuclear reactor in Colombia around 1950.

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Son[i]a global south Juan Arturo García neutral Spanish non-human Sonic Acts
58 MIN
Son[i]a #372
Sarah Nuttall

Over the past 10 years, South African scholar Sarah Nuttall's work has focused on post-colonial criticism, urban theory and literary and cultural studies, especially in relation to Africa and its diasporas. Her current area of interest revolves around water, heavy rainfall, flooding and hydrocolonialism, and how they intersect with materiality, time and daily life. But also around how water can be traced and analysed across works of literary fiction from the African continent. ‘Pluviality’, the umbrella term she coined for this purpose, serves as a conceptual framework and a methodological approach to her study of rain in an era of extreme climate emergency.

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Son[i]a ancestry BJ Nilsen climate justice Creative Commons drought global south rain Re-Imagine Europe Sarah Nuttall water
67 MIN
Son[i]a #371
Elvira Espejo Ayca

Elvira Espejo Ayca is an indigenous artist, weaver, writer, poet and researcher. Her work brings to light collective strategies that resist monoculturalization, moving back and forth between the rural and urban, between ancestral practices and the colonial gaze, between the sentipensamiento (feeling-thinking) of indigenous peoples and the predominance of academic Eurocentrism. In this podcast, we take a deep dive into the  actions of the National Museum of Etnography and Folklore (MUSEF) of La Paz (Bolivia) in search of mutual understanding and respect, while weaving and reweaving the historical gaps and bridges between two worlds.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons decolonialism Decolonising the museum Elvira Espejo Ayca indigenous movements weavers
68 MIN
Son[i]a #370
Bouchra Khalili

Through a practice that combines documentary, conceptual art, installation, and oral storytelling,  Bouchra Khalili explores questions of self-representation, political agency, and the resistance strategies of individuals and communities rendered invisible by the colonial, oppressive, and exclusionary dynamics of nation-states.  Who is a witness? Who tells the story? Who documents, archives, and transmits the accounts that reach us? These are the central questions that run through all of Khalili’s work. In this podcast, we talk to Bouchra Khalili about what it means to produce images and to approach film and documentary practice from new places and perspectives. 

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Son[i]a Bouchra Khalili cinema in the white cube Creative Commons migra and coloniality
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about Son[i]a
Son[i]a functions as a mirror and a sounding board for MACBA itself. Harnessing the synergies arising from the presence of the many voices, activities, and sounds that circulate in the museum, Son[i]a presents in-depth interviews with artists, curators, critics, activists, and thinkers, on a range of topics ranging from art to philosophy, by way of politics, activism, artistic research, music, and film, and everything in between. Son[i]a was the first RWM programme, launched on 2 May 2006.
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384