115 MIN

Son[i]a #342
El Palomar

Son[i]a #342

El Palomar is an art project that combines research, pedagogy, aesthetics, and memory in a radical and situated practice that engages with political exigencies affecting the queer community. The project was born in 2013 in Mariokissme’s studio in  Barcelona attic flat, which, in absolute complicity with R. Marcos Mota, was rechristened El Palomar. Twenty square metres that became a space for self-managed, experimental production and gathering for the next four years. A queer nest providing shelter, pleasure, and a showcase for a wide variety of artistic expressions by non-binary and trans persons. Today, El Palomar has moved beyond its original physical space to become a network of mutating practices and affects, in which installations, performance, films, music, and parties operate as multi-vocal devices for aesthetic research, thought, and production. A polyphony of formats and voices, demanding a space for dialogue and visibility and calling on the art institution and society to review and eradicate homophobic and/or transphobic discourses and attitudes.

In this podcast we talk to El Palomar about art, dissidence, and pedagogy. We dive deep into their strategies for self-care and resilience. We talk about the importance of producing disobedient, abject, situated genealogies, despite the obstacles to remembering the past in Spain. We share the experience and trauma of embodied research, and reread the pandemic experience through the lens of the lessons of the silenced AIDS crisis. Touch and queer parties emerge as political possibility and bastions of resistance where drives are liberated, limits are transgressed, and the hostilities of a hetero-centric world disappear, albeit temporarily.

01. “80 nichos (feat. Mariokissme and R. Marcos Mota)
02. “There must be justice” (feat. Charm Mone)
03. “False Feeling” (feat. Charm Mone)
04. “Crisis” (feat. Charm Mone)
05. “Manifiesto/Amenaza” (feat. Mariokissme and R. Marcos Mota)

Conversation: Verónica Lahitte and Anna Ramos. Script: Verónica Lahitte. Sound production: André Chêdas. Music: all songs and sound excerpts produced, mixed and mastered Mariokissme for El Palomar's TransTrans record lable. Courtesy of El Palomar.
2021. All rights reserved. © by the respective authors and publishers.
Son[i]a AIDS crisis collective creation El Palomar Mariokissme queer R. Marcos Mota
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