30 MIN

Son[i]a #197
Walter Mignolo


Walter Mignolo is an Argentine semiotician, and professor at the Center for Latin American Studies at Duke University.

His lines of work range from semiotics and literary theory to the history of the modern world and of colonisation. This latter subject is the focus of his most recent research, and explores concepts such as global coloniality, the geopolitics of knowledge and pluriversality. His latest publications include The Idea of Latin America, The Dark Side of Western Modernity, and a monograph entitled Epistemic Disobedience, which is a compilation of some of his latest articles.

SON[I]A talks to Walter Mignolo about the relation between the construction of history and the perspective of power, as imposed by the West. In this conversation, he also explores the ways in which art and museums have contributed to the construction of the colonial matrix, and the strategies that contemporary theory has come up with to influence this Westernised view of the museum as a centre of knowledge.

Son[i]a decolonialism Decolonising the museum decolonization migra and coloniality Most listened podcasts- November 2020 post-colonialism Walter Mignolo
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Son[i]a #197 Walter Mignolo
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384