
16 podcasts
29 MIN
Son[i]a #382. Itxaso Corral
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with choreographer, performer and artist Itxaso Corral, which we couldn’t include the first time around. With Itxaso, we embrace the complexity of being-and-doing-with-others, and we look inside some of the notions that underlie her thinking-by-doing: hijacked words that can be set free, such as tenderness, naivety, empathy, modesty and cringe. We also open up a host of questions—poetic, political, and convivial—in order to spend some time with them, leaving them unanswered. How far do things go? Is reading a text just reading a text? Does a written text remain only on the page? Is there no vibration? Who is legitimized, and to say what? Which things are accepted as legitimized and which are left out? Do I seem to be alone? Where can we come together?

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Extra body choreography Deleted Scenes education Itxaso Corral performance writing
107 MIN
Son[i]a #382
Itxaso Corral

The work of artist Itxaso Corral calls on an extensive glossary of concepts, media, and practices that explore beyond the bounds of closed definitions, in a gesture that simultaneously expands the scope of possibility of so-called live arts. In this podcast, Itxaso Corral shares with us the small rituals that give shape and meaning to her artistic activities: pulsations of life that emerge through performance, dance, singing, and calligraphy as experiential spaces, which are the result of lived experience and long durations, and of the energy that arises from learning and doing with others.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons DIWO Itxaso Corral parenting performance tenderness working conditions writing
81 MIN
Son[i]a #374
Mapa Teatro

Mapa Teatro is a laboratory of social imagination founded by Heidi, Elizabeth and Rolf Abderhalden in Paris in 1984. In 1986 it moved to Bogotá, where it operates today. Since its earliest days, Mapa Teatro has worked in the field of live arts, with a commitment to collective practices and the creation of temporary experimental communities. Like good cannibals, its members work on transforming materials to create new universes that embrace testimonies and fiction, poetics and politics. In this podcast, we chat to Mapa Teatro about 40 years of practice and extended fraternity. We talk about living archives, happenings, witnesses, and fiction.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons Mapa Teatro orality performance theatre
19 MIN
Son[i]a #364. Maria José Arjona
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with the choreographer, performer and artist Maria José Arjona. We talk about travel as a catalyst for her work, about interaction with the spectator, about her repertoire of gestures, about connecting and listening to animality, and about contact with the other side.

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Extra Creative Commons Maria José Arjona non-human performance
94 MIN
Son[i]a #364
Maria José Arjona

Con una trayectoria de varias décadas de prácticas e intercambios entre pecho y espalda, Maria José Arjona explora a través de la performace de larga duración un cuerpo que pendula al borde del abismo de manera afirmativa. Su repertorio de gestos hace parte de un gran archivo en permanente tránsito y transformación, a menudo atravesado por la historia de la performance, aunque siempre vivo. En este podcast, Maria José Arjona mira hacia adelante y hacia atrás, para trazar un diagrama invisible de procesos, acciones y deseos, entre su hacer en solitario y su necesidad de desbordar una política del tiempo con otros artistas, mediante la subversión del tiempo institucional: ¿qué le pasa a la performance y al performer cuando su trabajo pasa por estar ocho horas en un museo?

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Son[i]a body Creative Commons dance Maria José Arjona performance
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384