Deleted Scenes

124 podcasts
12 MIN
Son[i]a #385. Gabriel Chaile
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Tucuman artist Gabriel Chaile, which we couldn’t include the first time around. We talk about his education through a mix of public school, recounted memories, and observing family handicrafts. Once again, we defend slowness as a way of being and living in the world, and we join Nestor García Canclini in wondering how to think about the coexistence of elements or groups that consider themselves different, in our turbulent times.

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Extra anti-racism barro Creative Commons Deleted Scenes DIWO Escenas eliminadas Gabriel Chaile mud Re-Imagine Europe
29 MIN
Son[i]a #382. Itxaso Corral
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with choreographer, performer and artist Itxaso Corral, which we couldn’t include the first time around. With Itxaso, we embrace the complexity of being-and-doing-with-others, and we look inside some of the notions that underlie her thinking-by-doing: hijacked words that can be set free, such as tenderness, naivety, empathy, modesty and cringe. We also open up a host of questions—poetic, political, and convivial—in order to spend some time with them, leaving them unanswered. How far do things go? Is reading a text just reading a text? Does a written text remain only on the page? Is there no vibration? Who is legitimized, and to say what? Which things are accepted as legitimized and which are left out? Do I seem to be alone? Where can we come together?

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Extra body choreography Deleted Scenes education Itxaso Corral performance writing
22 MIN
Son[i]a #383. Troy Vettese
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with environmental historian, researcher and writer Troy Vettese. We talk about Animal Rights activism, pet ownership, golf and the urgent need to go from critique to action.

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Extra activism animal rights Climate change Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Troy Vettese veganism
22 MIN
Son[i]a #373. Juan Arturo García
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Mexican artist Juan Arturo García.  With the design of neutral Spanish as a case study, we broaden our conversation around living and dead languages, dialects, the uses of language and the dynamics of linguistic prestige. We imagine subtitling as a creative space, while rethinking typography from a political lens, questioning legibility and conventional strategies through his own practice.


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Extra Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Juan Arturo García Sonic Acts
16 MIN
Son[i]a #376. Yaneth Valencia.
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with the leader, activist mother and poet Yaneth Valencia that we were unable to include the first time around.


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Extra AIDS crisis anti-racism Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Yaneth Valencia
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384