Creative Commons

353 podcasts
22 MIN
Son[i]a #373. Juan Arturo García
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Mexican artist Juan Arturo García.  With the design of neutral Spanish as a case study, we broaden our conversation around living and dead languages, dialects, the uses of language and the dynamics of linguistic prestige. We imagine subtitling as a creative space, while rethinking typography from a political lens, questioning legibility and conventional strategies through his own practice.


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Extra Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Juan Arturo García Sonic Acts
107 MIN
Son[i]a #382
Itxaso Corral

The work of artist Itxaso Corral calls on an extensive glossary of concepts, media, and practices that explore beyond the bounds of closed definitions, in a gesture that simultaneously expands the scope of possibility of so-called live arts. In this podcast, Itxaso Corral shares with us the small rituals that give shape and meaning to her artistic activities: pulsations of life that emerge through performance, dance, singing, and calligraphy as experiential spaces, which are the result of lived experience and long durations, and of the energy that arises from learning and doing with others.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons DIWO Itxaso Corral parenting performance tenderness working conditions writing
57 MIN
Son[i]a #380
Núria Güell

In Núria Güell’s (Vidreres, 1981) practice, the museum-institution becomes the actual medium of her art: she manipulates, squeezes and  expands it, questions its rationale, blind spots and contradictions, and seeks to transcend its boundaries. Her works always spring from social conflicts that directly affect her, and she uses the strategies of art as platforms to dismantle the logic of power. In this podcast we talk to Núria Güell about her working methods and about the activation of artistic practices that become mechanisms for listening. We reflect on the realm of ethics and morality in art, and on disobediences, psychoanalysis, precarities, the status of the artist and the urgent need to recover the subversive potential of contemporary art.   

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Son[i]a activism Creative Commons Núria Güell parenting working conditions
91 MIN
Son[i]a #379
Yasmine Boudiaf

Researcher and creative technologist Yasmine Boudiaf describes her art practice as “tin foil hat research”. She creates playful projects rooted in deep research methodologies ranging from writing to computing, in order to shed some light on the shape-shifting White Devil tactics behind ruling powers and new technologies. In this podcast, Yasmine Boudiaf walks us through some of her experiences in the corporate world and the performative aspects of negotiating the deeply entrenched British class system. She talks about AI ethics and the theater behind policy-making as well as soft power and Newspeak.

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Son[i]a activism AI Creative Commons Disruption Network Lab global south Re-Imagine Europe Yasmine Boudiaf
16 MIN
Son[i]a #376. Yaneth Valencia.
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with the leader, activist mother and poet Yaneth Valencia that we were unable to include the first time around.


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Extra AIDS crisis anti-racism Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Yaneth Valencia
1 6 7 8 71
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384