Re-Imagine Europe

79 podcasts
53 MIN
Son[i]a #318. Jonáš Gruska
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with the slovak sound artist Jonáš Gruska that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra Creative Commons field recordings Jonáš Gruska landscape reading mushrooms mycellium Next Festival Re-Imagine Europe
83 MIN
Son[i]a #322
Hugo Esquinca

Hugo Esquinca’s work is a multi-layered crust, intentionally obfuscated through excess, deliberately hard to peel. Scraping off layers of obfuscation in this dense network of transductive interactions gets you nowhere, cause those layers are precisely what Hugo uses in order to expose you (and himself) to a sort of sensory overload. We discuss with Hugo how growing up in the hyperchaos of Mexico City relates to his fascination with speed, overabundance and syncretism. 

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Son[i]a decolonization durational podcasts Hugo Esquinca Lighthouse (UK) noise Re-Imagine Europe
86 MIN
Son[i]a #321
César Rendueles

When we chat to César Rendueles, the pages of his new book “Contra la igualdad de oportunidades. Un panflento igualirtarista” (Seix Barral, 2020) still smell of fresh ink. We talk about the myth of universal connectivity and technological dystopia. We touch on necropolitics, necroeconomics, and the importance of social ties in processes of social change. We go into museums, libraries, and schools to address the problems of public projects and the potential of egalitarian socialization and political imagination. We broach life and the market, work and care, health and business, meritocracy and privileges... to shed light on our shared fragility and our collective obligation to think about economics in a different way, accepting that we will never start from scratch.

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Son[i]a César Rendueles covid-19 Creative Commons education Most listened podcasts- November 2020 political imagination Re-Imagine Europe recession
70 MIN
Son[i]a #320
Ji Youn Kang

Ji Youn Kang’s abstract compositions are infused with her personal blend of Western experimental sound and Korean ritual music. This hybrid background also seeps into her live performances, where she explores the primitive and empowering rhythmic structures of Korean shamanism –often building up from slow to fast– and noisy sound through an amalgam of handmade analogue devices, acoustic instruments, and digital signal processing techniques. In this podcast, Ji talks about Korean ritual music, perfect 5ths and nature, resonating objects, noise, self-built instruments, uncertainty and tension, Wave Field Synthesis, and strategies to engage online audiences in meaningful communication.

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Son[i]a covid-19 Ji Youn Kang Lighthouse (UK) Most listened podcasts- November 2020 noise Re-Imagine Europe wave-field synthesis
23 MIN
Son[i]a #317. Reni Hofmüller
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Reni Hofmüller that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Elevate Festival pirate radio radio Re-Imagine Europe Reni Hofmüller
1 6 7 8 16
Son[i]a #384
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Title of podcast
Son[i]a #384