
13 podcasts
74 MIN
Son[i]a #395
Imani Mason Jordan

In this podcast interdisciplinary writer, artist, editor, curator and plant lover Imani Mason Jordan reflects on the conflicting meanings of community, which they sum up as “ a feeling and a relationship”. Finding guidance in the writings of Audre Lorde (and others)—through collective reading and listening—, Imani makes an urgent call for action, in order to disrupt and overcome the numbing of our emotions. Cadence, resonance, repetition and the bodily urgency of protest speeches operate in their artistic vocabulary as key tools for world-breaking, as well as world-making.

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Son[i]a anti-racism black queer Creative Commons DIWO poetry writing
50 MIN
Undead Matter #2
Marking silences

Undead Matter, a new series by Sophie J Williamson, is an unfolding conversation about where life lies in the ever-turning matter of our universe, as it rhythmically resurfaces over millennia. In this second episode, poet Myung Mi Kim speaks with geographer, Kathryn Yusoff about the lives and histories demarcated in the silence between words and amongst rock strata.

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Research Undead Matter decolonialism geography indigenous movements Kathryn Yusoff Myung Mi Kim philosophy poetry Shamica Ruddock Sophie J Williamson
37 MIN
Undead Matter #1
Emergent Interstellar Dust

Undead Matter, a new series by Sophie J Williamson, is an unfolding conversation about where life lies in the ever-turning matter of our universe, as it rhythmically resurfaces over millennia. In the first episode, artist and poet, Himali Singh Soin and astrobiologist, Prof Chandra Wickramasinghe discuss signs of life from the cosmos, the theory of panspermia and the biosphere of the galaxy.

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Research Undead Matter Himali Singh Soin philosophy poetry Prof Chandra Wickramasinghe Sophie J Williamson
58 MIN
Son[i]a #345
Clàudia Pagès

The work of artist Clàudia Pagés unfolds and contracts in many forms. Words, the body, and movement circulate in multiple directions through her processes, forging a tangled linguistic web of micro-narratives that involve critically listening to the immediate environment, and recording it through persistent writing. In this podcast, we open Clàudia Pagés’s box of tricks and tools. Repetition, 'zoom-ins', physical and metaphorical shifts, and translation emerge as some of her main strategies, while singing, composing, and dancing come together as desire and a pure space of experimentation and possibility.

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Son[i]a choreography Clàudia Pagès poetry queer writing
61 MIN
Son[i]a #336
Luz Pichel

Luz Pichel is a poet. Her writing comes out of all those places and even others that she did not physically visit but reached through curiosity, imagination, and empathy. The tension between major and minor languages, the liberating potential of a non-stabilised and nob-folklorising use of dialect and the crack of invention opened up by memory and childhood, are some of the paths that her poetry explores. 

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Son[i]a Creative Commons Luz Pichel orality poetry writing
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384