
16 podcasts
78 MIN
Son[i]a #349
Jaume Ferrete

In a body of work that encompasses the creation of texts, recordings, performances, concerts, websites, listening sessions, educational workshops, and archives of conversations, Jaume Ferrete explores everything that affects and influences the ideologies of the voice. His projects openly refrain from naturalising identity and address vocal production as a complex social phenomenon, shaped by the surrounding echoes and reverberations. 

In this podcast, Jaume Ferrete talks about Helen Harper, about the bodily discipline of telephone operators, and about the Voder as a clear example of drag. He cites deafness as a crucial phenomenon fuelling the history of sound technologies and connects some key moments—from the Voder to WaveNet—in the development of voice synthesis technologies.

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Son[i]a Jaume Ferrete performance voice voice synthesis
67 MIN
Son[i]a #347
Cecilia Bengolea

Multidisciplinary artist Cecilia Bengolea sees dance as a tool and a medium for empathy and emotional exchange. She is particularly interested in anthropological research on contemporary and archaic forms of dance, and devotes herself to learning techniques, movements, and choreographies from around the world, using them to shape her own artistic vocabulary: an embodied movement and dance archive—built up individually and collectively—, in which the body becomes an animated sculpture for performance, video, and installations. In this podcast, Cecilia Bengolea talks about her life journey, a state between constant flux and sensual impulse that draws on Thai boxing and pole dancing as well as contemporary dance and dancehall.

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Son[i]a Cecilia Bengolea choreography Creative Commons dance dancehall performance video
76 MIN
Son[i]a #332
Maite Garbayo-Maeztu

Writer, researcher and curator Maite Garbayo-Maeztu talks about writing, motherhood and low-intensity abandonment. She examines the aesthetic materiality of bodies and brings up quotations as gestures by which one becomes intertwined with those who came before, like acts of loving alignment. The ideas that emerge from the conversation include the notion of incalculability—the new that emerges between corporalities, like a gift for those whose practice allows for unexpected, totally unplanned, ways of politically enlivening the things around them.   

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Son[i]a body Creative Commons feminism parenting performance
46 MIN
Son[i]a #329
Violeta Ospina

Violeta Ospina is an artist, an educator, and a facilitator of collaborative projects that pay special attention to sound and the body. Using typical expressions and imaginaries of popular celebrations as raw materials, her work unfolds through multiform devices that seek to intensify the present. Piñatas, scale models, processions, karaoke, carnival, and cabaret all make an appearance in her practice as catalysts for violence and tenderness, which can also awaken the parodic potential that is always latent in everyday situations. Violeta is co-founder of Radio Cava-ret, a project linked to listening and theatricality, which, taking up the baton from the Futurists, calls itself a “radia”: the experimental and erotic flip side of traditional radio.

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Son[i]a anti-racism art radio community radio Creative Commons erotism migra and coloniality performance radio
78 MIN
Son[i]a #342
Jaume Ferrete

Mediante la creación de textos, grabaciones, performances, conciertos, sitios web, sesiones de escucha, talleres educativos y archivos de conversaciones, la obra de Jaume Ferrete (Mollet del Vallès, 1980) explora todo aquello que atraviesa y configura las ideologías de la voz. Sus proyectos eluden abiertamente cualquier naturalización de la identidad y examinan la producción vocal como un fenómeno social complejo, modelado por los ecos y las reverberaciones circundantes.

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Son[i]a Jaume Ferrete performance voice voice synthesis
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384