
5 podcasts
78 MIN
Son[i]a #326
Lucía Egaña

Lucía Egaña is an artist, writer, teacher, and anti-racist transfeminist activist. Lucía is a misfit researcher who for years has been implementing protocols designed to self-institute practices and spaces underpinned by a collective approach. Her methodology is undisciplined (or, as she says, subnormal), championing the bizarre, dirty, and marginal as a fertile testing ground for various relational, educational, and/or artistic devices. In this podcast we talk to Lucía Egaña about pedagogical processes, bibliographic dissent, wild writing, and the generative and affirmative potential of rage. We discuss identity politics, single-sex spaces, friendship as an engine for research, and the power of processes organised around informality and affects.

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Son[i]a #8M #PEImacba anti-racism Creative Commons erotism Lucía Egaña queer radical pedagogy
46 MIN
Son[i]a #244
Laura Mulvey

Laura Mulvey contextualises, updates, and elucidates on the far-reaching impact of her key text "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema", where she coined the notion of the “male gaze” in classic Hollywood cinema and addressed the power asymmetry in representation and assigned gender roles, thus emphasising the patriarchal ideological agenda of the American film industry. At the same time, she opens up the debate with the notions of the “queer gaze” and the “universal whiteness” of Hollywood. Mulvey also defends orality as a form of "history from below", citing the example of “compilation films” (films that use archival footage re-written with new narrative) as a space for a new feminist film practice.

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Son[i]a #8M #PEImacba cinema cinema in the white cube feminism Laura Mulvey
38 MIN
Son[i]a #207
Eyal Weizman

Eyal Weizman talks about the basic principles of forensic architecture, its practical applications, and its links to the world of art and creation.

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Son[i]a #InternationalPodcastDay #PEImacba #PodcastDay 2015bestshows architecture Eyal Weizman Forensic Architecture migra and coloniality
22 MIN
Son[i]a #201
Georges Didi-Huberman

Interview with Georges Didi-Huberman about the problems regarding the way in which we see and interpret images, a problematic issue that stems from the definition of what an image is, and from the hierarchy that has historically been imposed on the dialectic between words and images.

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Son[i]a #PEImacba Georges Didi-Huberman Our most listened podcasts ever philosophy photography psychoanalysis

Overwhelmed by the institutionalised discourse of politics and economists, we invite artists, philosophers, researchers and poets to share their ideas about what is happening to us, to comment on the positive and negative implications of this structural crisis, and to imagine an uncertain future.

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Specials #incrisis #incrisis #PEImacba Daniela Ortiz Marcelo Expósito Matías Rossi Miguel Noguera recession
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384