
40 podcasts
49 MIN
Son[i]a #304
Céline Gillain

Belgian artist and musician Céline Gillain split her time between working as a high school art teacher and the solitary practice of painting in her Brussels studio, until one day she had enough and organised a residency for six female artists at her grandmother’s house. Five years of collective experimentation with other women paved the way for the creation of hybrid, solo performances combining artistic research, the staging of her speculative writing, and catchy pop songs, carefully woven through complex and seemingly sooth and seamless narratives. We talk with Céline about her incursion into the music industry, stage fright, the power of fragility and depression as a form of resistance today. Paradoxically, her current media of choice are a mix of pop songs, motivational speeches, and updated fictions from the entertainment world, which run through everyday life in a darkly humorous, inimitable way.

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Son[i]a #8M Céline Gillain female producers feminism malaise society
48 MIN
Son[i]a #303
Oyèrónké Oyèwùmi

Professor Oyèrónké Oyèwùmi examines the ways in which universalism in academia distorts our understanding of African cultures, especially in relation to race and gender. In this podcast, Professor Oyèwùmi talks about age, seniority, and respect, about unscrupulousness and academia, dispossession and spirituality. She considers the oxymoron of the notion of “single mother” from the point of view of Yoruba culture, and she also notes how observance of community practices from non-Western cultures may be a necessary step as we face the planetary challenges to come.

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28 MIN
SON[I]A #290. María Ruido
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of the interview with María Ruido that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra Creative Commons Deleted Scenes feminism María Ruido
59 MIN
Son[i]a #294
Olivia Plender

Artist and researcher Olivia Plender talks about productivity and care, about suffragettes and museums, and about adolescence and schools. She looks at groups without charismatic leaders, embodied education, and the possibility of transforming errors in honest discussions.

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Son[i]a #8M Creative Commons education feminism Olivia Plender voice
59 MIN
Son[i]a #290
María Ruido

María Ruido talks about the political power of images and the subversive potential of cinematic strategies such as off-screen, voice over, and editing, which help us understand and imagine the world in new ways. She also reflects on the always contradictory relations between the critical and experimental power of culture on one hand, and its institutionalisation on the other

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Son[i]a #8M cinema feminism malaise society María Ruido most listened podcasts 2019 video video art
1 3 4 5 8
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384