durational podcasts

10 podcasts
83 MIN
Son[i]a #322
Hugo Esquinca

Hugo Esquinca’s work is a multi-layered crust, intentionally obfuscated through excess, deliberately hard to peel. Scraping off layers of obfuscation in this dense network of transductive interactions gets you nowhere, cause those layers are precisely what Hugo uses in order to expose you (and himself) to a sort of sensory overload. We discuss with Hugo how growing up in the hyperchaos of Mexico City relates to his fascination with speed, overabundance and syncretism. 

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Son[i]a decolonization durational podcasts Hugo Esquinca Lighthouse (UK) noise Re-Imagine Europe
120 MIN
Son[i]a #305
Anton Kats

Process, liminality, mediation, transmission, radio, resonance, orality, archive, and abundance. In our coinciding and crossing of paths with Ukrainian artist, mediator, educator, and musician Anton Kats, “the stars aligned” to put prior learning and formats to the test. Three remote encounters, six hours of recording, and several red-hot scissors have produced this exquisite corpse in which we explore a discourse and practice that tend to spill over and exceed boundaries in both nuance and detail. In this podcast, we talk about the Europe of integration, about memory, dementia, and different ways of not knowing, about artistic research and art that defies representation, about site-specific projects and mobile, ephemeral devices, about narrowcasts and radio as a means of creating common public spaces.

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88 MIN
Son[i]a #298
Helen Pritchard

Artist, researcher and activist Helen Pritchard discusses some of her works and collective projects, in the more or less gray area in which computing intersects geography, design and cyberfeminist technoscience. Throughout our conversation we talk about all sorts of double bonds: orcas and sensors, fossils and fracking, alpaca and recipes, sheep and data infrastructures.

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Son[i]a collectivity Creative Commons durational podcasts Helen Pritchard non-human Re-Imagine Europe
104 MIN
Son[i]a #283
Boris Charmatz

Dance interpreter, choreographer, thinker, writer, teacher and curator Boris Charmatz reflects on how to address power structures within the artistic field. He also talks about polisemy, collectivity, communities and anti-communities, radical pedagogy, dissent, the Musée de la danse, the complex and inexhaustible relationship between dance and history, working inside gestures, and the beauty of older people skateboarding.

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Son[i]a Boris Charmatz choreography Creative Commons dance durational podcasts Re-Imagine Europe
77 MIN
Son[i]a #280
Raqs Media Collective

Raqs Media Collective founder Monica Narula talks about raga, the technological body, public domain, the ineffability of time, the Mahabharata, politics of language, exhaustion, dilation and the legibility.

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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384