Creative Commons

353 podcasts
12 MIN
Son[i]a #385. Gabriel Chaile
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Tucuman artist Gabriel Chaile, which we couldn’t include the first time around. We talk about his education through a mix of public school, recounted memories, and observing family handicrafts. Once again, we defend slowness as a way of being and living in the world, and we join Nestor García Canclini in wondering how to think about the coexistence of elements or groups that consider themselves different, in our turbulent times.

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Extra anti-racism barro Creative Commons Deleted Scenes DIWO Escenas eliminadas Gabriel Chaile mud Re-Imagine Europe
95 MIN
Son[i]a #394
Ona Bros

En aquest podcast, la imatge es converteix en un dispositiu des del qual es nuen relacions complexes, amb agència i multitud d'agents que les componen, que els donen i treuen sentit. L'artista visual i investigadora Ona Bros traça un recorregut gairebé cronològic de la seva trajectòria vital i, des del balboteig, la impropietat i la pregunta, sosté imaginaris i altres maneres d'estar i posar-se en relació. Acció directa, imatges que taquen, porno ètic, cossos gestants i comunitats de gel fan lloc a la sensació permanent de no pertànyer i la necessitat de sostenir de la vida.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons fotografia mothering pornografia queer
107 MIN
Son[i]a #396

In this podcast, we talk to Iranian artist pantea about studying in Edinburgh, about the peat bogs of Scotland and about the misconceptions surrounding wetlands. We discuss agency, more-than-human subjectivities and the (im)possibilities that open up when thinking-with sundew, and talk about her experience with the Khamoosh listening and archiving community.

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Son[i]a agency collective creation Creative Commons DIWO landscape reading listening non-human pantea Sonic Acts sound soundscape wetlands
74 MIN
Son[i]a #395
Imani Mason Jordan

In this podcast interdisciplinary writer, artist, editor, curator and plant lover Imani Mason Jordan reflects on the conflicting meanings of community, which they sum up as “ a feeling and a relationship”. Finding guidance in the writings of Audre Lorde (and others)—through collective reading and listening—, Imani makes an urgent call for action, in order to disrupt and overcome the numbing of our emotions. Cadence, resonance, repetition and the bodily urgency of protest speeches operate in their artistic vocabulary as key tools for world-breaking, as well as world-making.

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Son[i]a anti-racism black queer Creative Commons DIWO poetry writing

In this first episode, we revisit the early days of Video-Nou and its connection with other artists who were also starting to work with video in Catalonia. Hand in hand with Lluïsa Roca, Luisa Ortínez, Xefo Guasch and Carles Ameller, we look at the collective’s relationship with the counterculture, the underground, and libertarian movements. And we consider the particularities of video as a tool for documentary, communication, creation, and protest, with special attention to its uses within the political and social context of the period of the Spanish transition. We explore strategies such as feedback and counterinformation, and we get a behind-the-scenes insight into the making of Video-Nou’s first projects: Gràcia. Espais Verds (February-March 1977) and Campanya política per a la Lliga de Catalunya (April-May 1977), better known as the Video-Bus.

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Specials Revisiting Video-Nou Carles Ameller collective creation Creative Commons Lluïsa Roca Luisa Ortínez Servei de Vídeo Comunitari Spanish transition Xefo Guasch
1 2 3 4 71
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384