Creative Commons

353 podcasts
18 MIN
Son[i]a #326. Lucía Egaña.
Escenas eliminadas

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with artist, researcher and activist Lucía Egaña that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Lucía Egaña
92 MIN
Son[i]a #327
La Ribot

We talk to dancer, choreographer, and visual artist La Ribot about key moments in her childhood, the collective creation and delirium of Bocanada Danza, Festival Desviaciones, the UVI group and the subsequent financial and emotional crisis that drove her from London in the nineties, and her encounter with the performing arts boom. She talks to us from the breathing room she has gained with her new centre for dance and teaching in Switzerland. In the midst of comings and goings, we discover moments that allow us to flesh out and strip back the diva, from her childhood wish to be a gypsy and the lasting impression of a little girl’s fascination on seeing a bullfight on TV, to her found object fetishes, the camera-operator, and a (perhaps dreamt) falling out with Joan Brossa.

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Son[i]a choreography Creative Commons dance La Ribot
78 MIN
Son[i]a #326
Lucía Egaña

Lucía Egaña is an artist, writer, teacher, and anti-racist transfeminist activist. Lucía is a misfit researcher who for years has been implementing protocols designed to self-institute practices and spaces underpinned by a collective approach. Her methodology is undisciplined (or, as she says, subnormal), championing the bizarre, dirty, and marginal as a fertile testing ground for various relational, educational, and/or artistic devices. In this podcast we talk to Lucía Egaña about pedagogical processes, bibliographic dissent, wild writing, and the generative and affirmative potential of rage. We discuss identity politics, single-sex spaces, friendship as an engine for research, and the power of processes organised around informality and affects.

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Son[i]a #8M #PEImacba anti-racism Creative Commons erotism Lucía Egaña queer radical pedagogy
12 MIN
Son[i]a #321. César Rendueles
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with sociologist, editor and writer César Rendueles that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra César Rendueles Creative Commons Deleted Scenes political imagination writing
126 MIN
Son[i]a #323
Elaine Gan

A grain of rice sits in a field on the banks of the Mekong river. A water buffalo breaks up soil in the Ifugao terraces in the Philippines. A black box containing rice seeds is placed on a shelf inside the Svalbard seed vault at -18°C in Norway. From such a common seed, hidden in plain sight, artist-scholar Elaine Gan weaves a dynamic network of relationships connecting agroecology and more-than-human sociability, subsistence farmers and climate change, contaminated taxonomies and feminist theory.In this podcast, Elaine Gan talks about crop science, feral technologies, the global pandemic, radical difference, the art of noticing, Matsutake mushrooms, and, of course, the blahblahsphere.

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Son[i]a #384
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Title of podcast
Son[i]a #384