Climate change

30 podcasts
22 MIN
Son[i]a #383. Troy Vettese
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with environmental historian, researcher and writer Troy Vettese. We talk about Animal Rights activism, pet ownership, golf and the urgent need to go from critique to action.

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Extra activism animal rights Climate change Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Troy Vettese veganism
90 MIN
Son[i]a #383
Troy Vettese

In this podcast we talk to environmental historian, researcher and writer Troy Vettese about veganism, ecology and geoengineering and about neoliberalism and the environmental crisis. We look at past examples of vegan socialist experiences and understand the urgency of including animal rights in radical thought. We also examine the tension between nature and the market, accepting the impossibility of dealing with the climate crisis through eco-modernist techno-solutions.

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Son[i]a Climate change climate justice Creative Commons Troy Vettese veganism
61 MIN
Son[i]a #375
Arjuna Neuman

Artist, filmmaker, and writer Arjuna Neuman has been working in tandem with philosopher Denise Ferreira da Silva since 2016. The result of their collaboration is an ongoing series of films and installations that merge poetics and critical theory, in a dreamlike polyptych that is disorientating and grounding in equal parts. Their so-called “elemental cinema”—part documentary and part personal essay—considers often overlapping events and disasters of the past, present and future history of the planet: from slavery and police brutality to ecological collapse and the biodiversity crisis.We sat down with Arjuna Neuman to talk about planetary body horror, wind, clouds, blues, tenderness, and the not so evident autobiographical threads in their films.

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Son[i]a ancestry Arjuna Neuman Climate change essay philosophy tenderness

Artist and filmmaker, Shezad Dawood speaks with social and geopolitical anthropologist Mark Nuttall, whose work is embedded in circumpolar rural communities, tracing the entanglements between climate change, extractive industries and identity of place. They discuss the accumulated residues, ecological cosmologies and shifting futures that have emerged from the deepest corners of the oceans, the icy subsurface and geological entanglements of Greenland’s complex landscapes and the lives they hold. Creation myths, told by Greenlandic storyteller Maria Kreutzmann, bubble up from the dark depths of the ocean and rub up against dramatic changes in the landscape throughout the past century.

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Research Undead Matter Climate change Creative Commons ecology extractivism Greenland ice Re-Imagine Europe Sophie J Williamson
65 MIN
Son[i]a #365
Dani Admiss

Dani Admiss is an independent curator, researcher and educator who spent part of her childhood in Dubai before emigrating to the UK and settling in Edinburgh. Her projects are situated at the intersection of art, design, technology and cultural practice and—in a constant search for a sense of belonging—explore infrastructures and relationality. "Sunlight Doesn’t Need a Pipeline" emerged in response to the simple and complex question: “How can I be useful?” The answer—by creating a decarbonisation plan for the gallery—gradually took the form of a conversation of many voices, involving various communities in an exercise in social justice and collective learning to rethink the processes of the art world in times of climate emergency.

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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384