5 podcasts
91 MIN
Son[i]a #379
Yasmine Boudiaf

Researcher and creative technologist Yasmine Boudiaf describes her art practice as “tin foil hat research”. She creates playful projects rooted in deep research methodologies ranging from writing to computing, in order to shed some light on the shape-shifting White Devil tactics behind ruling powers and new technologies. In this podcast, Yasmine Boudiaf walks us through some of her experiences in the corporate world and the performative aspects of negotiating the deeply entrenched British class system. She talks about AI ethics and the theater behind policy-making as well as soft power and Newspeak.

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Son[i]a activism AI Creative Commons Disruption Network Lab global south Re-Imagine Europe Yasmine Boudiaf
64 MIN
Son[i]a #352. Flavia Dzodan.
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Argentinian writer and researcher Flavia Dzodan.

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Extra AI algorithm Creative Commons decolonialism Flavia Dzodan migra and coloniality
71 MIN
Son[i]a #316.
Jennifer Walshe

Jennifer Walshe studied composition and often performs as a vocalist, but her practice and a whopping list of works over the past twenty years put her in a twilight zone where music, performance art, theatre and stage writing intersect and converge. Walshe’s approach to texts, scripts and musical scores is based on a recursive process, a kind of feedback loop which includes and acknowledges all sorts of information about the text itself – the context and paratext. In this podcast, we talk to Jennifer Walshe about writing, annotating, teaching, collecting, eavesdropping, performing, faking, and a touch of machine learning.

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106 MIN
Son[i]a #312
Lars Holdhus/TCF

The work of the sound artist Lars Holdhus, aka TCF, interrogates our relation to the technological infrastructures that permeate contemporaneity through language, code, cryptography and, most recently, ecology.  En este podcast, Lars aboga por la presencia y la conciencia. Between tea sips, he reflects on toolmaking and impact, A.I. and the obsession with flesh, human time and machine time. He also points out how boring technology becomes when you are 70% Buddhist, while introducing us to his latest projects: a virtual touring software teasing the limits of the live music industry and a random processing tool that he feeds and confronts to compose and create images.

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35 MIN
Son[i]a #210
Nanna Thylstrup

Nanna Thylstrup talks about the digitalisation of the archive and its implications. She deeply analyses two consequences that both emerge in individual and collective spheres: first, the data shadow that big data contexts generates to each user; second, the politics behind the processes of mass digitalisation.

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Son[i]a AI archive digital shadow Lars Holdhus/TCF Nanna Thysltrup TCF
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384