
113 podcasts
93 MIN
Things that happen…
at Ràdio Web MACBA

As part of the exhibition "Sampler #4. Things that Happen", Enric Farrés Durán turns the tables on us with a proposal to get Ràdio Web MACBA to talk about his practice. In this podcast, we talk about learning together by doing, about Enric’s multidirectional transfers of knowledge, and about a practice shot through with discourse. We also touch on the aesthetics of sound, the post-human voice, and the limits of editing; we talk about complexes, accents, and the political act of making vulnerability visible; about the loss of control and about the intimate realm impressed onto the dimension of sound. A space for listening in suspended time that gives voice to the people behind this project.

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Specials Creative Commons Enric Farrés radio Re-Imagine Europe
75 MIN
Francesc Torres

Francesc Torres (Barcelona, 1948) is an artist, essayist, poet, collector, and curator, who has been involved with conceptual art since the late sixties. He has been a pioneering figure in the use of installation as an artistic and narrative device with which to explore the possibilities of the exhibition space, the artistic object, and the interactions that take place between the audience and the art work. Historical memory, understood as a political category, is an another element that runs through his work. In FONS AUDIO #37 Francesc Torres talks about some of his works in the MACBA Collection as he looks back over his years in Paris working with Piotr Kowalski and his early performances in the United States. He also reflects on the aesthetic-political characteristics of installations, on historical memory, collecting, and the role of museums.



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Specials FONS ÀUDIO Creative Commons Francesc Torres installation memory
103 MIN

This new episode of Roc Jiménez de Cisneros' OBJECTHOOD series features conversations with Diego Falconi, Rick Dolphijn, Dave Phillips, and music by Kali Malone. A spiral-shaped trip about fire, burning, ashes, rituals, cooking, food, and jungles. Though it is also about everything that lies in between and beneath each and every one of those things. The invisible micropolitics of food in the military; the symbolic charge of ashes, solid remains of an intangible object – fire – which has shaped this planet for millions of years; the untold gender-related motifs behind the Aimara genocide; a circular, cyclical perception of time; or the role and relevance of ecosystems, even beyond the good old wildlife cliché – because, you know, “everything is an ecosystem, at the end of the day”. 

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We talk to Karo Moret, Diego Falconí and Lucía Piedra Galarraga interculturality, multiculturality, and migrant sit-ins. They share ideas on cosmopolitics, the Hispanic world, atavisms, and Afrofuturism; on El Cid's beard, the Royal Spanish Academy, and taking academia to the street. They examine the ways in which a transvestite theory of childhood challenges the imaginaries embodied in literature and explore the legal loopholes and the counter-routes of knowledge that could allow us, collectively, to come together in the south. 

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Specials Altars African diaspora anti-racism Creative Commons Diego Falconí Travez Karo Moret Lucía Piedra Galarraga Oyèrónké Oyèwùmi sexual dissidence

We talk to Diego Falconí Travez, Lucía Piedra Galarraga and Karo Moret about slavery and love, the Caribbeanization of identities, and violence as a potential resource. They discuss affects, phobias, autophagies, and unsettling objects. And they examine the Latino world in relation to the mask of gay culture, coming out of the closet as a liberal promise, and resent(i)ment as a circular form that prevents memory from disappearing. 

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Specials Altars African diaspora Altars, Sugar, and Ashes anti-racism Creative Commons Diego Falconí Travez Karo Moret Oyèrónké Oyèwùmi sexual dissidence
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about Specials
The Specials line presents projects by artists and curators who are in some way connected to the museum’s programming, the MACBA Collection, or the territory of RWM: radiophonic practice at the intersection of art and politics. This section includes both thematic series and one-off programmes that pick up the thread of the various MACBA programming lines, exhibitions, and public programmes, in a parallel, complementary research process that revolves around orality and discursive strategies.
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384