Things that happen…
at Ràdio Web MACBA
As part of the exhibition “Sampler #4. Things that Happen”, Enric Farrés Durán turns the tables on us with a proposal to get Ràdio Web MACBA to talk about his practice. Enric went back to the mail he had received in 2015 inviting him to be interviewed by RWM, tweaked it for the occasion, and forwarded it to the relevant person at RWM. Through this simple gesture, Enric hopes to reveal the mechanisms underlying this pseudo-radiophonic project and generate and opportunity to break the fourth wall. This conversation—not interview—is a waste of time in the best sense of the term. It is “the trace of an action”. Or of many actions.
In this podcast, we talk about learning together by doing, about Enric’s multidirectional transfers of knowledge, and about a practice shot through with discourse. We also touch on the aesthetics of sound, the post-human voice, and the limits of editing; we talk about complexes, accents, and the political act of making vulnerability visible; about the loss of control and about the intimate realm impressed onto the dimension of sound. A space for listening in suspended time that gives voice to the people behind this project.