
113 podcasts

Overwhelmed by the institutionalised discourse of politics and economists, we invite artists, philosophers, researchers and poets to share their ideas about what is happening to us, to comment on the positive and negative implications of this structural crisis, and to imagine an uncertain future.

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Specials #incrisis #incrisis Ana Longoni Matías Rossi recession Rubén Martínez Toni Serra
18 MIN
Eulàlia Grau

Part avant-garde artist and part activist, Eulàlia Grau is considered to be one of the most combative voices of a generation that fought for a profound change of values during the final years of Franco’s dictatorship and the early years of the Transition. Using images taken from the media, the artist draws attention to the perversions and injustices of the capitalist system and its mechanisms of control, repression and persistence.

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Specials FONS ÀUDIO #8M #ColMacba31 Creative Commons Eulàlia Grau MACBA Collection
22 MIN
Erick Beltrán

In his work, Mexican artist Erick Beltrán reflects on the ways in which information is legitimised by manipulating and using discourses from published material.

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Specials FONS ÀUDIO Creative Commons Erick Beltrán MACBA Collection

Overwhelmed by the institutionalised discourse of politics and economists, we invite artists, philosophers, researchers and poets to share their ideas about what is happening to us, to comment on the positive and negative implications of this structural crisis, and to imagine an uncertain future.

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Specials #incrisis #incrisis Beatriz Preciado Matías Rossi Olivier Schulbaum recession sexual dissidence Valentín Roma

Overwhelmed by the institutionalised discourse of politics and economists, we invite artists, philosophers, researchers and poets to share their ideas about what is happening to us, to comment on the positive and negative implications of this structural crisis, and to imagine an uncertain future.

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Specials #incrisis #incrisis Eduard Escoffet Ignasi Aballí Matías Rossi Perejaume recession
1 14 15 16 23
about Specials
The Specials line presents projects by artists and curators who are in some way connected to the museum’s programming, the MACBA Collection, or the territory of RWM: radiophonic practice at the intersection of art and politics. This section includes both thematic series and one-off programmes that pick up the thread of the various MACBA programming lines, exhibitions, and public programmes, in a parallel, complementary research process that revolves around orality and discursive strategies.
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384