
406 podcasts
74 MIN
Son[i]a #395
Imani Mason Jordan

In this podcast interdisciplinary writer, artist, editor, curator and plant lover Imani Mason Jordan reflects on the conflicting meanings of community, which they sum up as “ a feeling and a relationship”. Finding guidance in the writings of Audre Lorde (and others)—through collective reading and listening—, Imani makes an urgent call for action, in order to disrupt and overcome the numbing of our emotions. Cadence, resonance, repetition and the bodily urgency of protest speeches operate in their artistic vocabulary as key tools for world-breaking, as well as world-making.

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Son[i]a anti-racism black queer Creative Commons DIWO poetry writing
80 MIN
Son[i]a #393
Kathrin Böhm

In this podcast, we open up a glossary of concepts that affect and leave their mark on Kathrin Böhm's many constellations and collective projects. From the notion of compost—which triggered a radical shift in her way of working and interacting with her material archive in recent years—to a reassessment of the very idea of economy, which, as Katherine Gibson writes, helps us discern spaces of value production that are not immediately apparent. We talk about how these other strategies and ways of doing things lead us to qualify and problematise alternative ways of understanding social and/or participatory practices, and even to read the idea of community critically.

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Son[i]a #8M collective creation community Creative Commons DIWO working conditions
74 MIN
Son[i]a #392
David Yubraham Sánchez

In this podcast, cultural manger and mediator David Yubraham Sánchez expands on critical thoughts formulated in educational spaces, in constant conversation with others—an exercise in examining racist and colonial patterns in order to dismantle fictitious equivalences in the name of diversity. Thinking-by-doing—with collective work as his main methodology—gives rise to a profusion of tips, strategies and objectives to guide the work of anti-racist mediation, education, and cultural programming. This involves problematising the hollowing out of rights and cultural policies, identifying absences and erasures in democratic memory and national heritage, and implementing the political practice of listening.   

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Son[i]a activism anti-racism Creative Commons critical thinking David Yubraham Sánchez decolonialism institutional critique
82 MIN
Son[i]a #391
Carlos Motta

Carlos Motta sees his research as a potential space of enunciation from which to act as a counterweight to the prevailing narratives—a positive gesture of recognition of social groups, identities and communities whose voices have been suppressed by the dominant colonial power. His radical multidisciplinary practice and his use of a range of media—from video to installation, sculpture, performance and drawing on paper—make him hard to pin down. He also focuses on interaction with others, in ensemble works involving orality, documentary, curating, and even organizing public programs and symposia. In this podcast, we talk to Carlos Motta about art, politics, the market, and working conditions.

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Son[i]a Carlos Motta Creative Commons HIV orality sexual dissidence working conditions
94 MIN
Son[i]a #390
Hamja Ahsan

Hamja Ahsan is a British artist, writer, curator and fanzine enthusiast. He is known for his raw critique of dominant culture and power structures, particularly in the context of cultural representation and identity. In this podcast, we talk Hamja Ahsan about the language of Shy Radicals, about neurodiversity and Islamophobia, and about the fictional utopian shy people’s Republic of Aspergistan. But also about fried chicken. Yes, mostly about fried chicken, really.

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Son[i]a anti-racism Creative Commons Hamja Ahsan
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about Son[i]a
Son[i]a functions as a mirror and a sounding board for MACBA itself. Harnessing the synergies arising from the presence of the many voices, activities, and sounds that circulate in the museum, Son[i]a presents in-depth interviews with artists, curators, critics, activists, and thinkers, on a range of topics ranging from art to philosophy, by way of politics, activism, artistic research, music, and film, and everything in between. Son[i]a was the first RWM programme, launched on 2 May 2006.
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384