
39 podcasts
85 MIN
SON[I]A #403
M Murphy

Murphy works with and against technoscience in the areas of environmental justice and data politics, colonialism, sexuality, reproduction and race. Their approach is interdisciplinary not only in the sense of involving various areas of knowledge, but also in enacting their dual responsibility: the almost impossible task of dismantling extractive racial capitalism, by means of re-imagining radical Black, queer, Indigenous and feminist decolonial horizons and worlds of care. In this podcast, Murphy walks us through permission-to-pollute infrastructures in and around Chemical Valley in the Great Lakes area, the largest basin of fresh surface water on the planet.

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95 MIN
Son[i]a #394
Ona Bros

En aquest podcast, la imatge es converteix en un dispositiu des del qual es nuen relacions complexes, amb agència i multitud d'agents que les componen, que els donen i treuen sentit. L'artista visual i investigadora Ona Bros traça un recorregut gairebé cronològic de la seva trajectòria vital i, des del balboteig, la impropietat i la pregunta, sosté imaginaris i altres maneres d'estar i posar-se en relació. Acció directa, imatges que taquen, porno ètic, cossos gestants i comunitats de gel fan lloc a la sensació permanent de no pertànyer i la necessitat de sostenir de la vida.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons fotografia mothering pornografia queer
60 MIN
Lucía C. Pino

Artist Lucía C. Pino approaches her sculptural work as a conversation with the materials, the media and the surroundings—in relation to where they come from as well as the place they will occupy—, emphasising their performative aspect and their interdependence with her every move. It is a practice that is not easily defined, permeated by a wide range of interests, influences and concerns, among which Lucía includes the rituals of reading, writing, and doing-with-others. In FONS ÀUDIO #58, Lucía C. Pino presents Non-Slave Tenderness, 2018.

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Specials Creative Commons DIWO Lucía C. Pino MACBA Collection queer sculpture tenderness working conditions
57 MIN
Son[i]a #381
Marissa Malik

It’s tempting to describe Marissa Malik’s practice as a crossroads—one where music production intersects with mysticism, DJing and astrology. But the way she talks about these complementary aspects instead suggests that they are all on a sort of Möbius strip, a continuum with no beginning or end, on which they harmonically coexist and feed back on each other. This paradoxical geometry relies on a worldview and a critical gaze that has allowed Marissa to explore and put her own spin on the correlation between language, racial segregation and gender, especially in the framework of diaspora communities like her own. We sat down with Marissa Malik to talk about language, rituals, migration, mysticism, barriers, queerness and sexuality in her musical domain. 

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Son[i]a astrology female producers Marissa Malik queer spirituality
48 MIN
Son[i]a #358
Grant Watson

We sat down with curator and researcher Grant Watson to talk about textiles and their material and social ramifications. Instead, we ended up talking about his interview-based practice, essentially producing an extremely meta interview on interviews and interviewing. In this podcast, Grant talks about enacting, editing, demographics, transference, capturing the atmosphere of an interview, and other issues that he explores in one of his main ongoing projects, How We Behave.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons Grant Watson orality queer
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384