
11 podcasts
82 MIN
Son[i]a #391
Carlos Motta

Carlos Motta sees his research as a potential space of enunciation from which to act as a counterweight to the prevailing narratives—a positive gesture of recognition of social groups, identities and communities whose voices have been suppressed by the dominant colonial power. His radical multidisciplinary practice and his use of a range of media—from video to installation, sculpture, performance and drawing on paper—make him hard to pin down. He also focuses on interaction with others, in ensemble works involving orality, documentary, curating, and even organizing public programs and symposia. In this podcast, we talk to Carlos Motta about art, politics, the market, and working conditions.

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Son[i]a Carlos Motta Creative Commons HIV orality sexual dissidence working conditions
81 MIN
Son[i]a #374
Mapa Teatro

Mapa Teatro is a laboratory of social imagination founded by Heidi, Elizabeth and Rolf Abderhalden in Paris in 1984. In 1986 it moved to Bogotá, where it operates today. Since its earliest days, Mapa Teatro has worked in the field of live arts, with a commitment to collective practices and the creation of temporary experimental communities. Like good cannibals, its members work on transforming materials to create new universes that embrace testimonies and fiction, poetics and politics. In this podcast, we chat to Mapa Teatro about 40 years of practice and extended fraternity. We talk about living archives, happenings, witnesses, and fiction.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons Mapa Teatro orality performance theatre
44 MIN
Son[i]a #359
Andrea Valdés

In this podcast we talk to with writer and researcher Andrea Valdés about pure writing, about heterodoxy, and about spatial optimism. We open up the metaphor of soft tools, and the semantic resonance of organs—be they tongues or genitals—trapped by the technological rudiments of machines. We discuss the use of tape recorders, orality and writing, and the research of Rivolta Femminile self-awareness groups, which tried to find a space for a different kind of speech in a private, female-only environment. The conversation was recorded at Hangar in 2020, during the height of the pandemic, as one of the first moves towards a line research that Andrea had continued to work on to this day.

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Son[i]a Andrea Valdés boredom Carla Lonzi Creative Commons feminism Hangar. Centre de producció i recerca artística Lee Lozano orality writing
48 MIN
Son[i]a #358
Grant Watson

We sat down with curator and researcher Grant Watson to talk about textiles and their material and social ramifications. Instead, we ended up talking about his interview-based practice, essentially producing an extremely meta interview on interviews and interviewing. In this podcast, Grant talks about enacting, editing, demographics, transference, capturing the atmosphere of an interview, and other issues that he explores in one of his main ongoing projects, How We Behave.

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Son[i]a Creative Commons Grant Watson orality queer
61 MIN
Son[i]a #336
Luz Pichel

Luz Pichel is a poet. Her writing comes out of all those places and even others that she did not physically visit but reached through curiosity, imagination, and empathy. The tension between major and minor languages, the liberating potential of a non-stabilised and nob-folklorising use of dialect and the crack of invention opened up by memory and childhood, are some of the paths that her poetry explores. 

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Son[i]a Creative Commons Luz Pichel orality poetry writing
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384