
40 podcasts
44 MIN
Son[i]a #359
Andrea Valdés

In this podcast we talk to with writer and researcher Andrea Valdés about pure writing, about heterodoxy, and about spatial optimism. We open up the metaphor of soft tools, and the semantic resonance of organs—be they tongues or genitals—trapped by the technological rudiments of machines. We discuss the use of tape recorders, orality and writing, and the research of Rivolta Femminile self-awareness groups, which tried to find a space for a different kind of speech in a private, female-only environment. The conversation was recorded at Hangar in 2020, during the height of the pandemic, as one of the first moves towards a line research that Andrea had continued to work on to this day.

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Son[i]a Andrea Valdés boredom Carla Lonzi Creative Commons feminism Hangar. Centre de producció i recerca artística Lee Lozano orality writing
50 MIN
Undead Matter #4
Permafrost hydrofeminism

In this new instalment of Undead Matter, Cultural theorist, Astrida Neimanis speaks with permafrost hydrologist, Nikita Tananaev, discussing the cultural, philosophical and ecological implications of permafrost degradation as it disrupts ancient ecosystems suspended in the ice.

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Research Undead Matter Astrida Neimanis Climate change feminism Nikita Tananaev permafrost Sophie J Williamson water

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with writer, researcher and curator Maite Garbayo-Maeztu that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra Creative Commons Deleted Scenes feminism Maite Garbayo-Maeztu
23 MIN

In FONS AUDIO #52 Cabello/Carceller talk about their two works in the MACBA Collection: 'I Don't Care about Your Gaze Anymore' (February 1994) and 'A/O (The Céspedes Case)' (July 2009-July 2010). Through them, they reflect on blurred identities, on the diverse possibilities of genders and on the need to create new representations that disrupt the traditional patterns structuring our gaze.

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Specials FONS ÀUDIO Cabello/Carceller collective Creative Commons feminism MACBA Collection queer sexual dissidence
85 MIN
Son[i]a #337
Raw Material Company

Based in Dakar, Senegal, Raw Material Company is an independent, collaborative centre that aims to foster critical thinking through artistic practice. In this conversation, Marie Hélène Pereira and Fatima Bintou Rassoul Sy—two key members of Raw Material Company—discuss a situated feminist and decolonial practice that focuses on doing rather than enunciating and categorizing. They share some of their experiences and talk about the strategies they use to create rich forms of dialogue and to negotiate the tensions and the ideological and economic constraints imposed through the still-colonial structures of the so-called global North.

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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384