Disruption Network Lab

2 podcasts
100 MIN
Son[i]a #384
Cornelia Sollfrank

In this podcast, we talk to Cornelia Sollfrank about art, technology and gender, and about performance, bodies and networks. We go back to the very early days with collective projects such as Frauen und Technik and OBN—groundbreaking experiences in which the screen opened up to make way for this other enormous, virtual space to be inhabited. A wealth of practices, projects and experiences—which she now refers to as techno-feminism—in a career that has led her to explore the commons, organizational aesthetics, and the role of the law and of copyright in defining (or not defining) where an original work of art begins and ends in the digital realm.

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Son[i]a #8M collective creation Cornelia Sollfrank Creative Commons cyberfeminism Disruption Network Lab DIWO Re-Imagine Europe
91 MIN
Son[i]a #379
Yasmine Boudiaf

Researcher and creative technologist Yasmine Boudiaf describes her art practice as “tin foil hat research”. She creates playful projects rooted in deep research methodologies ranging from writing to computing, in order to shed some light on the shape-shifting White Devil tactics behind ruling powers and new technologies. In this podcast, Yasmine Boudiaf walks us through some of her experiences in the corporate world and the performative aspects of negotiating the deeply entrenched British class system. She talks about AI ethics and the theater behind policy-making as well as soft power and Newspeak.

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Son[i]a activism AI Creative Commons Disruption Network Lab global south Re-Imagine Europe Yasmine Boudiaf
Son[i]a #384
Podcast Title
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Son[i]a #384