
21 podcasts
90 MIN
Son[i]a #389
Françoise Vergès

In this podcast, Françoise Vergès unpacks the social and environmental politics of cleaning and waste, charting and questioning temporal and spatial interactions that create a neutral site of deprivation, exhaustion and exploitation. She sheds light on the economy and politics of exhaustion, pointing out the role of racial capitalism in the climate crisis. Vergès suggests a political re-reading and understanding of vital needs and natural elements through notions of cleaning, hygiene and medicine, and raises revolutionary questions about the prefabricated assumptions of justice and social transformation through re-thinking the museum.

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Son[i]a #8M anti-racism Creative Commons decolonialism Decolonising the museum Françoise Vergès migra and coloniality working conditions
16 MIN
Son[i]a #376. Yaneth Valencia.
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with the leader, activist mother and poet Yaneth Valencia that we were unable to include the first time around.


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Extra AIDS crisis anti-racism Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Yaneth Valencia
57 MIN
Son[i]a #376
Yaneth Valencia

Yaneth Valencia is a leader, activist mother and poet. She is also community organizer of Lila Mujer, a political space for support, collective creation  and affirmation of the lives of black women with HIV, which was founded in 2003 in the working class neighbourhoods of Cali, Colombia. In this podcast, we talk with Yaneth Valencia about the overlapping vulnerabilities that affect black women with HIV in Colombia, linking racism to the lack of a public health system and analysing the relationship between the virus and patriarchal violence, which is exacerbated by war and the forced displacement of black and indigenous peoples from their lands.

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Son[i]a anti-racism Creative Commons HIV Yaneth Valencia
105 MIN
Son[i]a #352
Flavia Dzodan

We talk to Argentinian writer and researcher Flavia Dzodan about fashion, opulence, peripheries, phrenology, taxonomies, canons of beauty, luxury fakes, and migrant detention centres. An intense journey that touches on her personal history and includes references to other writers, notes on her methodology, and a few potshots at centres of power.

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Son[i]a algorithm anti-racism Creative Commons decolonialism Phonos (UPF/Barcelona) Sonic Acts writing
46 MIN
Son[i]a #329
Violeta Ospina

Violeta Ospina is an artist, an educator, and a facilitator of collaborative projects that pay special attention to sound and the body. Using typical expressions and imaginaries of popular celebrations as raw materials, her work unfolds through multiform devices that seek to intensify the present. Piñatas, scale models, processions, karaoke, carnival, and cabaret all make an appearance in her practice as catalysts for violence and tenderness, which can also awaken the parodic potential that is always latent in everyday situations. Violeta is co-founder of Radio Cava-ret, a project linked to listening and theatricality, which, taking up the baton from the Futurists, calls itself a “radia”: the experimental and erotic flip side of traditional radio.

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Son[i]a anti-racism art radio community radio Creative Commons erotism migra and coloniality performance radio
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384