In this podcast, Lebanese writers, researchers and activists Lara and Stephen Sheehi walk us through the day-to-day reality of psychoanalysis under occupation, Zionist psy-ops and (anti)oppressive praxis. They talk about psychological warfare and about Sumud—or the reverie of resistance—, and discuss the worldliness of our subjectivities in a world that is not the same for everyone.
In FONS ÀUDIO #59, artist, writer and activist Marcelo Expósito revisits his work in the MACBA Collection Photowritings 2011-2019 (Dedicated to Allan Sekula), a personal, sometimes intimate look at a series of collective experiences of self-determination and resistance. Marcelo talks about demonstrations, mass events and the occupation of public space, but also about micropolitical space and forms of bonding, empathy and solidarity.
In this podcast, Lebanese artist, researcher, and filmmaker Marwa Arsanios unpacks the many conversational tactics embedded in her modes of working in the gaps between art and activism, in the intersection between ecological thinking, land struggles, and feminist politics. We talk about reading groups, the film object, solidarity as a practice, and using the art economy to bring communities and movements together.
In this podcast, cultural manger and mediator David Yubraham Sánchez expands on critical thoughts formulated in educational spaces, in constant conversation with others—an exercise in examining racist and colonial patterns in order to dismantle fictitious equivalences in the name of diversity. Thinking-by-doing—with collective work as his main methodology—gives rise to a profusion of tips, strategies and objectives to guide the work of anti-racist mediation, education, and cultural programming. This involves problematising the hollowing out of rights and cultural policies, identifying absences and erasures in democratic memory and national heritage, and implementing the political practice of listening.