27 MIN

The collapse of manners


Research: Teresa Grandas. Interviews: Teresa Grandas and Daniel Giralt-Miracle. Design and editing: Teresa Grandas, Dolores Acebal and Lucrecia Dalt

This three-part miniseries looks back at the 7th Congress of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) and pieces together an ensemble narrative based on the testimonies of some of its protagonists. Forty-one years after the Congress in Eivissa, designers, architects, artists, philosophers and other professionals from the cultural field come together again to reconstruct and analyse the spirit of that adventure. The interviews that are reproduced here were originally recorded on video and are part of the exhaustive research behind the exhibition ‘Utopia is Possible. ICSID. Eivissa, 1971’.

In the third and last episode of this miniseries, we look back at the artistic experiences that were presented at the Eivissa congress, all of which exemplify a new way of understanding art, its processes and its spaces. Catalan artists Miralda, Jaume Xifra and Dorothée Selz, as well as Muntadas, led three projects that were produced through participative work and action, as was everything that took place at the congress. And to finish off, the protagonists of the 1971 ICSID Eivissa reflect on the contradictions and conflicts that arose within the congress, and on its eventual social, cultural and personal impact.

00:16 – 01:59 Presentation of the speakers

02:00 – 03:49 New expressions of Catalan contemporary art
02:00 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
03:05 Jordi Pericot
03:38 Joan Antoni Blanc

03:50 – 08:33 The inaugural colourful soirée organised by Miralda, Selz, Xifra and Santos
03:50 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
04:01 André Ricard
04:05 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
04:16 Joan Antoni Blanc
04:17 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
04:18 André Ricard
04:20 Joan Antoni Blanc
04:22 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
04:24 Joan Antoni Blanc
05:17 André Ricard
05:33 Santi Ponseti
05:37 Joan Antoni Blanc
05:41 André Ricard
05:43 Santi Ponseti
05:51 André Ricard
05:52 Joan Antoni Blanc
06:05 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
06:07 Joan Antoni Blanc
06:15 André Ricard
06:58 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
07:08 Santi Ponseti
07:47 Jordi Mañà

08:34 – 12:03 Josep Ponsatí’s inflatable sculptures
08:34 Santi Ponseti
08:37 Joan Antoni Blanc
09:43 Santi Ponseti
10:24 Fernando Amat
11:00 Santi Ponseti

12:04 – 13:02 Muntadas and his ‘Vacuflex’
12:04 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
12:23 Joan Antoni Blanc

13:03 – 18:10 Discussion around the congress
13:03 Jordi Mañà
13:20 André Ricard
13:58 Joan Antoni Blanc
14:21 André Ricard
16:11 Jordi Mañà
16:38 Joan Antoni Blanc
17:09 André Ricard
17:20 Joan Antoni Blanc
17:44 Daniel Giralt-Miracle

18:11 – 19:42 Collective self-financing
18:11 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
18:25 Joan Antoni Blanc
19:03 Jordi Mañà
19:34 Joan Antoni Blanc

19:43 – 21:18 New direction for future congresses
19:43 André Ricard

21:19 – 26:49 ICSID, Eivissa, 1971…
21:19 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
22:15 Joan Antoni Blanc
22:32 Fernando Amat
22:55 Carlos Ferrater
23:41 Jordi Mañà
23:58 Jordi Pericot
24:33 Bigas Luna
25:18 Daniel Giralt-Miracle
25:27 Luis Racionero
26:07 José Miguel de Prada Poole

Specials ICSID architecture Daniel Giralt-Miracle ICSID Teresa Grandas
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"UTOPIA IS POSSIBLE. ICSID. EIVISSA, 1971" is a three-part miniseries based on the research carried out for the exhibition of the same name. It brings together the testimonies of some of the participants who took part in the 7th Congress of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID), in an ensemble portrait of this collective experience.

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Specials ICSID architecture Daniel Giralt-Miracle ICSID Instant City Teresa Grandas

"UTOPIA IS POSSIBLE. ICSID. EIVISSA, 1971" is a three-part miniseries based on the research carried out for the exhibition of the same name. It brings together the testimonies of some of the participants who took part in the 7th Congress of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID), in an ensemble portrait of this collective experience.

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Specials ICSID Daniel Giralt-Miracle ICSID Teresa Grandas
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UTOPIA IS POSSIBLE. ICSID. EIVISSA, 1971. #3 The collapse of manners
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