Things that happen… at Ràdio Web MACBA
As part of the exhibition “Sampler #4. Things that Happen”, Enric Farrés Duran turns the tables on us with a proposal to get Ràdio Web MACBA to talk about his artistic practice. Here is a small preview of what we’ve been cooking up in this Barcelona-Los Angeles connection: listening on listening, suspended times, recalcitrant amateurism, desperate clawing at the fourth wall, and a few tough journalistic questions.
Enric Farrés talks about collecting obsessively, the value of the ephemeral, the use of lies as a creative strategy and the complicit relationship with those around him, as well as other aspects of his work.
SPA Simultaneous translation of Enric Farrés Duran podcast, performed by the artist.
Maite Muñoz, Head of MACBA Archive, talks about how the material in the Archive is organised, strategies for dissemination, and how it all contributes to redefining the boundaries between art and document.
A conversation between Déborah Gros (Syntone) and Anna Ramos about Ràdio Web MACBA.