
Conversation with Ed Veenstra on his sound collection.

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Dutch collector Ed Veenstra collects all kinds of music-objects by plastic artists (a total of around 3,500) who have worked with sound at some point in their careers. Records, but also what he calls “anti-records,” strange, impossible and unclassifiable formats that approach the object from a radically different perspective and exceed the traditional functions of the medium. His thorough and detailed collection and classification work sheds light on the art world’s fascination with sound and music.

MEMORABILIA. COLLECTING SOUNDS WITH… is a new series that seeks to break through to unearth and reveal private collections of music and sound memorabilia. The documentary series is a historiography of sound collecting that reveals the unseen and passionate work of the amateur collector while reconstructing multiple parallel histories such as the evolution of recording formats, archival issues, the sound collecting market and the evolution of musical styles beyond the marketplace.

Extra MEMORABILIA Broken Music collection Conversation Ed Veenstra MEMORABILIA
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MEMORABILIA. COLLECTING SOUNDS WITH… Conversation with Ed Veenstra on his sound collection.
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384