Yasunao Tone

10 podcasts

A range of sound works representing different periods, traditions and approaches to generative and systems based music.

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An introduction to the work and methodology of Japanese artist Yasunao Tone. The essay is based upon several conversations with the artist and some of his collaborators.

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Collaboration by philosopher and pioneer of mini FM radio, Tetsuo Kogawa, and sound artist Yasunao Tone, based on an email exchange on radioart.

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Research Lines of Sight Lines of Sight music radio sound Tetsuo Kogawa Yasunao Tone

Musical, sociological, biological explorations of how our minds and intuition translate and transmit music.

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Research Lines of Sight Barbara Held Bob Ashley David Behrman graphic score Jens Brand Lines of Sight Matthew Marble music Pilar Subira score Seth Nehil sound Yasunao Tone Yolande Harris Zeena Parkins
16 MIN
Son[i]a #65
Barbara Held and Pilar Subirà

Barbara Held and Pilar Subirà talk about the exhibition "Possibility of Action: the Life of the Score."

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Son[i]a Barbara Held exhibition Pauline Oliveros Pilar Subira Yasunao Tone
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384