William Bennett

6 podcasts

This music selection was used as a teaser for the MEMORABILIA. Collecting sounds with... William Bennett lecture, which took place on April 1st, 2011 at the MACBA, and features some of the highlights of William Bennett’s collection.

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Extra MEMORABILIA Audio_EXTRA MEMORABILIA music selection William Bennett

Transcript of William Bennett's lecture: "Musical homeostasis: music not just to be heard".

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Extra MEMORABILIA MEMORABILIA Transcript William Bennett

We dig up some unreleased fragments of the interview with sound collector William Bennett that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra MEMORABILIA Deleted Scenes William Bennett

A musical selection of some of the secret jewels found in William Bennett's sound collection, discovering rare percussion music from West-Africa.

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Research MEMORABILIA collection music selection William Bennett

International noise music legend William Bennett is also an avid record collector. Both critical and eclectic in his selective accumulation, the British artist’s record collection comprises a singular labyrinth of sounds that make it possible to chart different paths through the musical preferences of its owner.

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Research MEMORABILIA 2006-2016: our 10 most listened-to podcasts EVER William Bennett
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Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384