sound + technology

15 podcasts
96 MIN
Son[i]a #361
Edwin van der Heide

Artist, composer and researcher Edwin van der Heide expands musical composition and musical language in spatial, interactive, and interdisciplinary directions. His often site-specific, highly immersive installations don’t just take up space: they are a very deliberate inquiry into space itself and into its affordances as an artistic medium and material. Edwin’s pieces create space, modifying its actual and perceived boundaries. They make space present, apparent, and even tangible. In this podcast, we talk to Edwin about art in public space, air pressure, sounds under water, loudspeakers, networks, odd spatial experiences, and sonic phenomenology.

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Son[i]a Edwin van der Heide sound + technology sound art water
19 MIN
Son[i]a #346. Jessica Ekomane
Deleted scenes

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with sound artist and musician Jessica Ekomane. We talk about sci-fi and emancipatory spaces, her VR project, her approach to live shows and her collaborations.

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Extra African diaspora computer music Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Jessica Ekomane sound + technology
73 MIN
Son[i]a #330
Peter Blasser

Peter Blasser is a designer of electronic instruments and one-of-a-kind in the world of synthesizer builders. His circuit designs catalyse philosophical concepts in the form of whimsical analog synthesizers that have been evolving since he started his company, Ciat-Lonbarde, in Baltimore more than 15 years ago. In this podcast, Peter Blasser introduces us to his environmental instruments and meditates on his view on electronics and synthesizers as a form of creativity. In this podcast, Peter Blasser introduces us to his environmental instruments and reflects on his views on electronics and synthesizers as a form of creativity. He invokes elements such as wood, sunlight, wind, touch and craft in the process.

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Son[i]a circuit bending circuits craft Creative Commons Peter Blasser sound + technology synthetisers
51 MIN
Son[i]a #286
Peter Zinovieff

Peter Zinovieff talks about how he assembled the world's first personal computer, his time at EMS and the team that accompanied him, about the listening room, academia, and the tribulations of paper-tape; about engineering, experimentation and how not to keep a sound archive; about Unit Delta Plus, how to run a synthesiser off a windmill, and how to kindly ask a computer to make us a beautiful composition.

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Son[i]a most listened podcasts 2019 Peter Zinovieff Re-Imagine Europe sound + technology

We dig up some unreleased fragments of the interview with Mats Lindström that we were unable to include the first time around.

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Extra archive Creative Commons Deleted Scenes Mats Lindström radio sound + technology
Son[i]a #384
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Son[i]a #384